Thursday, August 17, 2017

Unfiltered Barcelona terrorist attack video.

Two things sicken me here:

The attack itself in which innocents were slaughtered... and that American TV is so pusified that they won't show it to you unfiltered, pixilated or altered so as to not offend.

We are at war, boys and girls.  It's for the survival of the species, to coin a phrase.

90 wounded, 15 seriously and 12 dead.

Watch this video.  See the blood.  See the pain.  See who we are fighting against.


As anticipated, YouTube took it down... as they take down most anything that shows terrorism in it's true light.

So, I happen to have a copy of this laying around for just this very reason:

It's violent.  It hurts to watch because that COULD have been... and no doubt WILL be... us one day.

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