Monday, August 14, 2017

Trump and Charlottesville.

We start out with the normal baseline of the leftist perception of Trump:

First, it doesn't matter what Trump says or does, save for dying, resigning or being impeached.  The left will hate him regardless.

Second, the reeking hypocrisy and double standard of the left cannot be overstated.

The left was silent when Obama supported (through inaction) leftist calls for the slaughter of police.  The left was silent when Obama engaged in actions and activities harmful to the United States.

Once you establish the baseline, then you eliminate any need to concern yourself with what the supporters of the BLM fascists and the fringe-left antifa scum art saying or thinking. 

Should the President give a damn, for example, what Joe Sixbowl in downtown Portland thinks?


So, the reality here is that no matter what the President said about Charlottesville, it would be an improvement over that pathetic creature that recently left the White House would have said.  Just like, no matter what the President said about Charlottesville (or anything else, for that matter) the leftist media and the fringe left will not approve.

That gives the President a certain freedom of action and pronouncement in everything he does.  Disregarding the left in the political realm is a wise course of action regardless of WHICH left they may be: leftist democrats or leftist/RINO/#NeverTrump Republicans.

When it comes to Charlottesville itself, leftists need to remember that the organizations they claim to despise were born of the left.  The Klan, for example, was the democrat response to post-Civil War Reconstruction.  The leftists certainly haven't been this angry since we took their slaves away from them.

In this specific instance, a variety of groups were represented there for purposes of the rally, not just those the media shoves around as labels.

My take on the First Amendment, which all sides use, is that it's not the "First Suggestion."

I've taken an oath to defend the Constitution.  I live by it.  It is the filter I run all of my positions through.

The lowest scum of the earth have the right to speak.

That's what enables black lives matter to babble their crap about slaughtering police.  It's what allowed Beast Mode to sit on his ass yesterday and eat a banana during the National Anthem yesterday... or that slimeball Kaeperpick kneeling in his insult to the men and women who have sacrificed so much for this country.

There are many forms of speech that offend.  The NFL is paying the price for allowing that sort of thuggery and that is how it should be.  Freedom of speech by no means equates freedom from consequences for that speech.  God knows I've suffered consequences of one sort or another for speaking my mind in this meager effort.

In Charlottesville, there were groups that were reprehensible.  On BOTH sides of the issues.

But the effort to sterilize our history as a nation is also reprehensible, as insane as Portland Schools renaming facilities because those who donated the land they happened to be sitting on were named "Lynch" to the elimination of reminders of our national past while we ignore reminders from our national present.

Sen. Robert Byrd, Ku Klux Klan Grand Kleagle
For example, has anyone seen the movement to rid our country generally and the state of Virginia specifically from any of the rumored 400 different types of monuments to the late Sen. Robert Byrd, former democrat Senate Majority Leader, among other positions?

How is it that, for example, Robert E. Lee was more racist than a national leader of a democrat front group entirely designed to deprive minorities generally and blacks particularly of the rights that we all hold normal without a second thought?

Yet, where is the movement to scrub HIM from our history?

Why, it's nowhere.  Another indictment of leftist hypocrisy... the kind of hypocrisy resent in Charlottesville, where the city made a concerted effort to deprive those groups of THEIR right to speak freely, no matter how misguided their positions may be.

That, you see, is why we call it freedom.

We, of course, have an equal right to react to offensive speech and actions taken under the guise of that freedom.

What no one has is the right to use violence to silence others.

And recently, that has been the exclusive focus of the left.

Violence, killing, assaults, property destruction... mostly in leftist enclaves... Portland, Baltimore, Dallas, Ferguson... because leftist governments allow and actually encourage this sort of thing.

The possible "offense" of the few has become the excuse leftist governments use to act against the many

The President is aware of all of this.  America is aware of all of this.  It continues as predictably as the sunrise, until Main Street America has decided it's had enough.

Then?  Charlottesville is likely to look like a fender bender.  Baltimore, like a holiday celebration.

The President has a tough gig.  The RINOs in his own party are as pissed off that Hillary didn't win as a Sanders supporter.  They're doing even more than the democrats to keep the President from his agenda.  In 2020, don't be surprised if the McCain/Graham/McConnell types endorse whichever nutjob democrat they run.

Meanwhile, the inevitable movement towards the increasing likelihood of open warfare continues.  And the left are going to do all they can to make that happen.

The violence will continue and increase.  The blood will flow... the bodies will stack up.  And the radical right will continue to grow as a result.

Both nature and politics abhor a vacuum.  And the lack of government even-handedness makes that increasingly likely every day.

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