Saturday, August 19, 2017

So, what happens when the Columbian "plays" Facebook?

Fascinating little tidbit came my way on the discussion concerning the vandalism of the Confederate Monument on private property just off the freeway around Ridgefield.

Clearly, leftists aren't all that big on private property.  And the Columbian?  Least of all, unless it's theirs or that of someone else in the downtown mafia.

Here's a little snippet of how their mask slipped... just a tiny bit.

There's a discussion under most Columbian articles... this one was no exception:

Confederate monuments in Ridgefield defaced

As expected, the leftist scum of all varieties came out and gleefully supporting defacing this private property on private land.

But ONE of those scum, unsurprisingly, appeared unable to restrain him or herself, and felt compelled to comment on the story using his Columbian email account, apparently.

Screen capture of Columbian employee commenting from their work computer

Now, we know that the position outlined above, in fact, is representative of the fringe-left infestation of the local daily democrat.

And then, this appeared.

Screen capture of employee getting busted by the Lazy C
It says:  Hi, Brad, we have discovered an employee was attempting to post this from their personal account from outside the office.  The comments were inappropriate and against our company's policy. We apologize and will be following up on Monday to determine what happened.  -  Joey Trull, The Columbian Copy Desk

Oh, I get what happened... and I get why it happened, since the fish rots from the head down and all that.

It happened because it was reflective of Lefty Lou's attitude towards anyone to the right of Mao.  It's kinda like the democrats and RINOs in Congress upset that Hillary lost, blocking Trump's agenda.

And, voilĂ '!  The post is gone!

I guess the democratian CAN react quickly when it needs to.

And I thank them for this glimpse of the typical democratian employee mindset that acts as a mirror to that of Lefty Lou Brancaccio.

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