Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Looks like to be a RINO is to justify leftist attacks when they don't like what's being said; Ryan, Rubio, McCain, Romney, McConnell, McCarty.

Apparently, some of the biggest RINO's in the country joined with the left to try... and fail... to toss President Trump under a bus... reality notwithstanding.

There was fault on both sides in Charlottesville.  But why is it we only here about one side... particularly from these low-lifes?

The First Amendment is not the First Suggestion.  I spent 6 years and 3 months stationed in the birthplace of modern-day Nazism. I visited Dachau.  I've seen what it can do, up close and personal.

I studied soviet history and how they killed millions and used the Nazi model for many of their own camps... Gulags... terror and torture and destruction.

BOTH sides bear some responsibility for Charlottesville.

The idea that RINOs can't even begin to find it within themselves to EXAMINE both sides for fault is the thing.

So, when the President pointed out reality yesterday.... that hate abounds on the fringes of the political spectrum for BOTH sides, and that BOTH sides have some level of fault but only ONE side was there legally... with a permit... what did these stains on the GOP do?

Joined with the left... like they always have... to trash the President.

Yes, these #NeverTrump types decided the President's speech would be a great opportunity

Tell me again why we should support political scum like this?

How long did our local political RINO's like Brent Boger assure us that as soon as we had the House... the Senate... the White House... everything would just be great? 

I knew that was a lie.  I've said so for years: RINOs in control of the Legislative branch don't suddenly, magically, shuck their RINO skin merely because a conservative-acting president has been placed into the White House by the American people.

There is no excuse for this.  None.
“One side is racist, bigoted, Nazi,” former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney tweeted. “The other opposes racism and bigotry. Morally different universes.”
Can you believe this moron actually wrote this?

ONE SIDE is racist?

#BlackLivesMatter calling for the slaughter of whites isn't "racist?"

Antfifa calling for the deaths of white police isn't "racist?"

I dunno.  Maybe it was my upbringing.  But those 3 whitebread clueless morons wouldn't know real life if it bit them.
“We must be clear,” House Speaker Paul Ryan wrote on Twitter Tuesday. “White supremacy is repulsive. This bigotry is counter to all this country stands for. There can be no moral ambiguity.”
So is political supremacy.  So is black supremacy.  So is ANY supremacy, but idiots like Ryan seem to have concluded that ONLY those of his race can engage in bigotry and racism... and if the Speaker actually BELIEVES that, he not only shouldn't be Speaker... he shouldn't be allowed outside without a keeper.
“There are no good neo-nazis, and those who espouse their views are not supporters of American ideals and freedoms,” McConnell’s statement read. “We all have a responsibility to stand against hate and violence, wherever it raises its evil head.”
There are no good #BlackLivesMatter or antifa scum, either, Senator.  But your failure to treat them the same would infer that YOU think there ARE. 
“There’s no moral equivalency between racists & Americans standing up to defy hate & bigotry,” Sen. John McCain tweeted. “The President of the United States should say so.”
So, leftist and black racist bigotry is OK?

Here's the thing, Senator: I know that cancer is eating away at what's left of your brain, but you simply cannot believe that racism and bigotry is OK when BOTH sides of this issue have those who practice it... yet you would embolden the leftist racists and bigots who gathered illegally in Charlottesville to attack those gathered legally merely because they disagreed with what they were saying?

How is that OK?
“Saturday’s violence and tragic loss of life was a direct consequence of the hateful rhetoric & action from white supremacists demonstrating,” House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., wrote
“Race-based supremacy movements have no place in our melting pot culture,” McCarthy added. “They do not reflect the ideals enshrined in our Constitution that treats and respects every American equally.”
When in doubt, just flat out lie.

It was a direct consequence of paid rioters who had no legal right to gather attacking those who did have such a right.
Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said that the organizers of the white supremacist rally deserve all of the blame. 
“Mr. President, you can’t allow #WhiteSupremacists to share only part of blame,” Rubio tweeted. “We can not allow this old evil to be resurrected.”
Yeah, because you know that antifa and #BlackLivesMatter terrorists were rounded up at gunpoint, forced on to busses and REQUIRED to mass illegally while the police did nothing as they physically attacked those there legally merely because they disagreed with what was being said.

First Amendment, Senator: do you speak it?
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., issued a statement addressing the president directly. 
“Your words are dividing Americans, not healing them,” Graham said Wednesday: “Through his statements yesterday, President trump[sic] took a step backward by again suggesting there is a moral equivalency between the white supremacist no-Nazis and KKK members who attended the Charlottesville rally and people like Ms. Heyer.” 
Graham added: “Many Republicans do not agree with and will fight back against the idea that the Party of Lincoln has become[sic] a welcome mat out for the David Dukes of the world.” 
The Party of Lincoln would never allow terrorists on EITHER side to have their way... unlike the democrats and their Klan connections. 

There IS a "moral equivalency," a CLEAR "moral equivalency" between the Klan and the #BlackLivesMatter thugs.  They are two sides of the same coin.

There IS a "moral equivalency" between white supremacists and antifa.

And there is ALSO a "moral equivalency" between the appeasers of the Third Reich and the appeasers and situationally challenged cowards like those speaking out to damage President Trump.

It appears to me to be obvious that the RINOs are following the Rahm Emanuel edict of refusing to let a good crisis go to waste.

That those at the highest level of government have deluded themselves to this level is frightening.  That they were, for the most part, #NeverTrump types is not a coincidence.

And that they are unfit for government is a fact.

Continue to support scum like this?

Not on my worst day.

I do not support the Nazi's or white supremacists in any way, save one: their right to speak is exactly the same as the right of the leftists terrorist types, antifia and BM and the others to speak.

Those groups should be condemned as much as the right wing groups are.  They cannot get a pass merely because the cowards of the GOP left believe they should.

And I will never vote GOP as long as this insanity from the establishment continues.

We've been betrayed locally on the county council; we've been betrayed by the fake GOP-controlled Senate in the legislature; we're BEING betrayed by the RINO-led Congress.

By all means... tell me again: why should we give these scum our money?  Why should we vote for them?

I want to know.

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