Saturday, February 11, 2017

The incompetence of the GOP controlled Congress on full display.

One of the many interesting aspects of political consulting is that when running a campaign, you identify various possible courses of action and plan for all of them.

That kind of thing is known, among other labels, as "putting it in the can," in case it's ever needed.  It's a plan or series of plans ready to go at a moment's notice when rapid responses to political events are critical in the middle of a political campaign.

This is political science 101.  Everyone remotely involved in campaign strategies knows of this sort of thing.

Now, that brings us to the current debacle known as the Republican-controlled House and the Republican-controlled Senate.

This is the 7th consecutive year the GOP has controlled the House and the 3rd consecutive year they've controlled the Senate.

This is also the 6th consecutive year the plague and pestilence the laughingly labeled "Affordable Car Act", aka "Obamacare," has ravaged the land.

The House has done nothing of consequence to kill this cancer on our country; yes, they've voted to replace it numerous times, but that was merely eyewash for the masses, red meat for the base and campaign literature for the ignorant... the confusion of "motion with action."

The House easily could have defunded Obamacare; Obama would vetoed the move, and the House should have shut down government.

Yeah, I know that Newt Gingrich tried it and the effort failed because, then, as now, the Establishment was filled with cowardice instead of vision.

The problem was Establishment cowardice: first under Boehner and then under RINO Ryan.

The same should have been the course in the GOP-controlled Senate, the other example of a complete lack of planning and strategic thinking:  The Senate did nothing to get rid of Obamacare... for the exact same reason: Establishment cowardice.

I banged the drum at that time... the numerous and obvious failures of the gutless in Congress to do anything about it, including, of course, our own waste-of-space congresswoman, who was far too busy working on her reelection than she was actually doing something for the people she allegedly serves.

I was informed and assured that all good things would come to us the moment the GOP took the Senate.  In fact, it was local RINO-in-Chief Brent Boger who fronted me that particular lie.

Well as time went on, the GOP, running on a platform to do all of those things they, in fact, never did... namely, vote for us, we'll repeal Obamacare and get spending under control... eventually took control of the Senate as well.

Now, the Establishment found themselves in control of both House of Congress.

And what did they do with it?

When it came to Obamacare and cutting spending and out tax rates?

Nothing,   The GOP Congress continued to fund Obamacare while they increased spending and increased our tax rates.

The RINO clique kept reassuring everyone that the MOMENT a GOP President was inaugurated, all of these promises would come true.

Well, here we are.  We have a President who ran.... hard... on this very issue.

As much as the Establishment hates him, even they knew he was going to win as much as they denied it.  And win he did.

The left immediately started to demand that the "replace" part of the "repeal and replace" platform President Trump ran on be revealed.

At first, I thought, "nothing to it.  These people have had, literally, YEARS to draw up plans and put them in the can, only to whip them out when and where needed.

So, I waited with anticipation.  This kind of thing isn't rocket science... surely they know at least as much about political strategy as I do.  Any minute now, they House and Senate will hold a joint roll-out of the plan they've had YEARS to develop and wargame and we will all be awed by the brilliance of the whole thing.

And I waited.  And then I waited some more.  The messaging that's been leaking out showed nothing but confusion and indecision, like the very idea of repeal was never... even... considered.

Meanwhile, the left laughs at the GOP... rightfully, because we are seeing our best and brightest... allegedly... unable to fight their way out of a wet paper bag.

RINO Ryan and Meetch McConnell's lack of leadership and vision are coming home to roost... and the GOP are confirming themselves as even more moronic than the party they replaced... a party who, like it or hate it, was at least able to get SOMETHING done.

NONE of this is that hard.  This truly isn't rocket science.

A blind man could see it in a minute.

And these idiots lack even a rudimentary clue.

Their lack of vision, their lack of courage, their lack of understanding and their slavish devotion to the Establishment has brought us to this point... Point Nowhere.

And the fault rests with the political cowards running the show.

Meanwhile, the cancer of Obamacare continues to bleed us dry.

That's not the only GOP- controlled congressional failure: just ask the thousands who died on the GOP's watch waiting for VA treatment.

But the current leadership of Congress appears to be quite helpless to do those things they ran on while they seem to be busy, in large part, stopping the implementation of the Trump agenda.

Is it any wonder the left is laughing at the GOP?  Because it seems to me that the left's stupidity notwithstanding, when they actually wanted to make something happen... they made it happen.

Like they made Obamacare happen.  And the GOP seems helpless to do anything about it.

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