Friday, July 08, 2016

Dear Sen. Rivers:

Since you screwed your district and the people of Clark County sideways by helping to hang a $700 million tax bill around our necks in complete violation of your pledge to oppose gas tax and tab fee increases, I thought I'd take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the massive increase in my tab fees that went along with your betrayal of your constituents.

Last year, I paid $68 for tabs on my now 17 year old diesel dually that I drive, perhaps, 30 times a year, primarily for the food bank and foolishly, back when I believed in you, for your campaigns.

Imagine how delighted I was to discover that, in addition to you nailing us for 12 cents a gallon for fuel, my tab fee has now increased to $101... from $68... for one year.

I think of you often... usually when I buy fuel.

But I CERTAINLY had thoughts about you today when I opened up my tab renewal notice.

Thanks once again for bending us over for the special interests who own you while heaping dishonor on the professional political class.

I'm ashamed I ever voted for you, and believe me, it's a mistake I'll never make again.

Most sincerely, K.J. Hinton

Constituent you ignore when it comes to communicating with your office in Olympia.

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