Thursday, June 16, 2016

Whining about a ban on so-called "assault weapons." Leftists, you can't have it both ways.

You ever stop to wonder why, in the minds of a leftist, they have zero problem with an 11 y.o. girl getting an abortion without her parents knowing?  Or why many of them think that it's perfectly OK tyo abort a baby up to the last moment before birth... months past viability?

It's because to them, the over-arching issue is the so-called "control of their own bodies."

Of course, those advocating that control don't have to bear responsibility for any of the outcomes; medical, psychological or social.

They don't have to bear the costs, either financial or psychological, whatever those may be.  And, as we all know by now, that those same people fight for "control" over their bodies somehow means that we are expected to pick up the tab for birth control... or their irresponsibility in failing to use it.

So, when the ignorant twat leftists, like those on various editorial boards demand the re-institution of the so-called "Assault weapons ban," it's because they "feel" like such a ban will make some sort of difference.

It won't, of course.  The last one didn't.

And if weapons bans of any variety worked, Chicago and Paris would be Utopian Safezones instead of the slaughterhouses they are.

In fact, they stand as examples of why weapons bans not only do not work; they actually result in more slaughter of more innocents as those foolish enough to follow the law are the ones who suffer the most because of it.

Do we NEED "assault weapons?"

Do leftist women NEED to have unprotected sex?

As of this writing, I don't have such a weapon.  I'm limited to hand guns.

But I am shopping for the very weapon these clowns want to ban...  because as each day goes by, I have less and less trust in my government: either to govern... or to protect us... or to protect our rights.

The leftists see any attempt to regulate abortion as an infringement on their rights.

But somehow, those of us who own guns are NOT supposed to see efforts to take those guns away from us or to limit our ability to purchase such guns or ammunition or parts or tools to maintain them as the very same thing: an infringement of OUR rights.

I will never give up my guns.  The 2nd Amendment protects the First.  And I AM going to buy one of the very weapons these leftists are sniveling about.

It's my right.  A right far more enumerated in our Constitution than any such fictitious ability to get an abortion.

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