Wednesday, May 25, 2016

So, Gas Tax Rivers finally has her campaign page up... and what does it say? Nothing.

I get it.

Gas Tax lied about a HUUUGE issue to get elected last time; specifically this:
A screen capture from River's 2012 Campaign website.
So, I fully understand why her web site effectively contains absolutely nothing of substance; no promises... no pledges... nothing.

And why is that?

So she can't be held accountable for her promises.  So she can't be asked: "Why did you lie to us?"

Or, "How can we believe anything you say?"

See, if you don't say anything, you can't be held liable for lying.

And that's just one of the may reasons I have to wonder: Is Rivers getting blackmailed?

She used to be a woman of her word.  Now, she doesn't have any words to be a woman of.

 A web site full of glittering generalities where she promises nothing of substance because that means she won't have to deliver anything of substance.

But then, when she was running in 2012, how did this promise work out?

Simple: we got hung with a $700 million dollar bill in this county... and that's around $1600 for every man, woman and child, all because Rivers lied to get elected.

She did nothing to keep her word.  She did nothing to protect us.  She did nothing to allow us to have any voice.  And when asked about it, what did she do?

She even lied about that, falsely claiming that if she hadn't screwed us with her yes vote costing us $700 million... her promised "no" vote would have cost us "$7 BILLION."

That was a lie, of course.  The Transportation scam passed with 27 votes.

Had she voted "no" as she promised she would... it STILL would have passed with 26 votes.  We'd still be paying the $700 million or so, to be sure... but our senator wouldn't be a verifiable liar.

Is it any wonder her website is so worthless, and no one reading it has any idea what she plans to do if she's reelected...  except, of course, to screw us again?

When is the next time she's going to lie?  What is she going to get for screwing her district, a district that voted 75% or so "no" on the gas tax advisory vote?

And if since she's going to lie to us again... and fail to represent the will of the people of THIS district... why should she be elected at all?

Remember that each and every time you put gas in your car.  Senator Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers is a major portion of why you're paying roughly $2.40 more for 20 gallons of gasoline... so we can finance King County's transportation issues.

In large part, because our senator is a liar... like most other politicians.  And that's a shame.  She could have been somebody... and now, she's just another two-faced RINO.

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