Thursday, May 05, 2016

RINO sniveling over Trump.

The RINOs in this state are in full denial/melt down mode over the fact that Trump got the nomination... the nomination that most of them had been assuring us for a year that he could NOT get.

The most visible RINOs in the state, mainly the losers who supported Rob McKenna, would much rather have HillBilly win than Trump.

Here's a section of their perspective:

Former Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna said he's disappointed with what appears to be shaping up as a Clinton-Trump race for the presidency. McKenna said he will put all his energies into securing Republican votes for Congressional, state and local positions, but he will not support Trump. Instead, he plans on writing in Kasich's name, even though Kasich's dropped out today.
In McKenna's words, Trump has never been a Republican. He's hijacked the party...something I said last week, and the latest polls show Hillary has a large lead over Trump, so large that McKenna thinks it is insurmountable, especially among the vote from women, many of whom do not support Trump. As the former AG said, "I don't see a path forward for Donald Trump."
And that's what I've been saying all along. There are many Republicans who just won't vote for Trump, but feel disenfranchised by this hijack. No write-ins will make a difference. And there are others who don't support Trump, but will swallow hard and vote for him, just because they don't want Hillary in office. There are the die-hard Trump fans who believe he's an outsider that will reform D.C. and are trying to get the rest of us on board. There are Republicans running toward the Libertarian ticket, because they feel they have nowhere else to go with Trump as the nominee. And then there are those Republicans like Eric Earling, who today blogged, "I'm out!" I'm feeling a lot like Eric.
At least if you are a Democrat, you have a pretty easy choice. Democrats will eventually coalesce together around their nominee. I do not see that happening among Republicans with Trump at the top of the ticket.
We now have a fractured Republican party, assuring the next president of the United States will be Hillary Clinton. I hope I'm wrong. I shudder to watch the National Republican Convention.
Thanks, Mr. Trump!

Of course, in writing that, the author leaves out a few facts:

First the democrat party is just as, if not more, "fractured" than the GOP.

Sanders beating on Clinton and reinforcing his "the fix is in" meme (which, of course, it is) will do nothing but harm Clinton and help Trump, given his decision to stay in until the dem convention, beating the hell out of Clinton every step of the way.

No mention of that.

Second, it's the RINO Establishment which is, I believe, MOST responsible for this outcome, as their response to the Romney debacle wasn't to address what went wrong, but to misidentify what went wrong as a political problem instead of an infrastructure issue and them suddenly, to out-democrat the democrats as a response.

No mention of that.

Third, a loser like McKenna wants to be the leftist's friend, so like most of the RINO persuasion, he'll throuw anyone not a mainstyream GOP'er under the nearest bus for his own political gain.

Well, in the interests of full disclosure, I refused to vote for McKenna because of his insanity over SW Washington generally and Clark County particularly.

That moron SUPPORTED the CRC Scam (And I will ALWAYS oppose ANY politician who does that) AND he supported the Cowlitz Mafia on their casino scam.

Those of the #NeverTrump ilk refuse to face reality: THEY failed US.

I have been writing for months... the better part of a year.. that the ONLY way the GOP could win in this battle was to co-opt many of his positions... on the border, on illegals, the Iranian deal, on trade... on foreign policy.

Instead, the RINO Establishment ran away in horror at the thought.

Well, here's the thing:

The base has been met with betrayal after betrayal by the GOP from the federal level on down.

Obama has bent the GOP in Congress over every hour on the hour, getting almost everything he wanted as the GOP went along with his various disasters including Obamacare (which they could have defunded but didn't) his disastrous, incompetent foreign policy, his indefensible abuse of executive orders, the bizarre violation of law concerning illegal aliens while our veterans continue to suffer under his regime...  his abysmal failure to prosecute Clinton... and those are just some of the highlights.

At the state level, the RINOs refuse to keep men out of women's bathing facilities and restrooms.  They smashed us in the mouth with a multi-billion dollar gas tax/tab fee increase as if they were democrats, making our gasoline among the most expensive in the US.

At the local level, the RINOs running the county council have been a leftist delight and a conservative disaster.

Tax increases, ignoring the expressed will of the voters, raping rural land owners, arrogance and deceit... the 3 Stooges represent everything bad in government... by voting EXACTLY the way the democrats want(ed) them to vote.

And yet, those who've brought us to this point now pout and throw a fit when the base revolts and tells them to drop dead when it comes to who to support for president?

No.  Hypocrisy has no place in this issue. 

Go ahead and pout and throw your snit.

Just remember: we have a long memory.

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