Monday, April 11, 2016

The 5 Stooges and Lefty Lou.

It's not unusual to see a gathering of the CCRINO's political cell.

From left-to-right, we have CCRINO Jennifer McDaniel, CCRINO Clark County Councilor Julie Olson/Green, CCRINO Wallet Tracy Wilson, CCRINO "Won't somebody, anybody like me" Brent Boger and CCRINO (and soon to be loser) Lynda Wilson.

ALL of these clowns supported my fringe-left brother-in-law for county chair over a genuine Republican.

Suffice it to say they are responsible for the ensuing tax increases that moron and his Stooge wing-man, Olson/Green, have foisted upon us.

So, what does it mean when local "Republicans" of a certain bent are "entertained" by the anti-conservative daily newspaper editor at his HOME?

Easier to coordinate the RINO message when you've got him on speed dial, eh, gang?

The irony of this is clear: Brancaccio used these idiots to "prove" his "nonpartisan, unbiased" cred... because when it comes down to it, these 5 agree with Brancaccio about conservatives.

The OTHER irony is particularly interesting when you consider that a few years back, Brancaccio was set to slaughter Boger in his assassination columns until leftists like Betty Sue Morris and Craig Pridemore started beating the hell out of Lou for doing it.

And this, of course, means that all of these morons are likely to be endorsed by Brancaccio because, as you know, when Lou "likes" you... he "likes" you. And you can do no wrong as long as you support his issues and kiss his ass.

That's the point. They think this public ceremonial display was done for them... but instead, it was done for Lou as the run up to this year's election to "prove" his lack of bias.

But on the political spectrum, one has to ask who was missing from that picture and that soiree'?

Anyone who votes to the right of Lenin, so to speak.

In the best of all worlds, "journalists" would just report the news and the politicians would not act like lobbyists around newspaper editors to curry favorable reportage and endorsements.

Sadly, we're not getting either.

God, how I can't wait to move out of Clark County.

That said, what seems to MAKE this "unusual" is the "where" of it; where this picture was taken:

At Lying Lefty Lou Brancaccio's house. At a little social get-together.

You know, so they can coordinate their attacks against conservatives with the rag?


The lot of them.

Nah... nothing to see here, move along.

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