Monday, April 25, 2016

So, the Establishment scum (Cruz and Kasich) are now lackeys for the #NeverTrump swine.

It was never my intention to support anyone since, as I suspected, by the time we here in Washington had any say, the issue was going to be over.

Well, I believe it will be over in about 36 hours.

That said, I now fully support Trump.

The reasoning for that is not what one might expect.

Generally, I'm a hard corps conservative.  There's an argument that has some merit that Trump is many things but a true, died in the wool conservative ain't one of them.

And, frankly, I don't care.

Since the primaries have started, I've watched Ted Cruz operate like a genuine political scumbag. Kasich is a non-starter... having won precisely one state: his own.

Putting them both together?  That equals a scumbag/loser.

Now, there's not even a hint that these two clowns aren't acting for anyone but the Establishment as their sock-puppets, in their effort to try and keep Trump from getting the nomination.

My criteria for the nomination is simple:  The guy who gets the most votes in the Primaries should be the nominee.  The guy who has the most delegates from that vote should be the nominee.

I didn't care if he hit some magic number.  Yeah, I know all about that "rules are the rules" crap.  But there's damned little difference between these scum attempting to get their sock puppet in and the democrats screwing Sanders with their super-delegate scam, something I'm sure the GOP wishes they'd have thought of given the chance.

And this is yet another reason why I despise the Establishment.

None of this had to happen, of course: the way clear here was simply to co-opt Trump's positions instead of running from them like scarred little girls.

But no.

As RINO's, the thought of actually doing something to end illegal aliens from sucking us dry like vampires simply has no legs in the GOP.

Getting rid of Obamacare like the GOP has been promising for years but failing to deliver on?

Hell no... we have to fully fund it instead.

Obliterate ISIS?  Kick the Russians out of Eastern Europe?

Cut spending and taxes?  Cut the size and reach of government?

Nope.  Can't do it.

So, the Establishment plans to screw Trump sideways... and us with him.

I will never vote GOP again... since they're no different than the leftists they're supposed to replace... either at the national level... or the state or local, as far as that goes.

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