Friday, April 15, 2016

Another proof that leftists are clueless idiots

So, last January when Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers held her infamous lie fest of a town hall meeting in Battle Ground ("If I had voted "no" on the gas tax increase, instead of $700 million, it would have cost the people of Clark County 7 BILLION," or words to that effect) there was a clueless group of gun grabbing leftists who also had a bizarre take on the idea that we should just open our borders and allow Muslims to swamp us.

After all, I was falsely and stupidly assured, the Syrian refugees would be SOOOO greatful to just be here that none of them would ever break our laws and CERTAINLY they wouldn't engae in terrorist activities...

Would they?

Gee.  I dunno.

Let's see:
The Swiss have such a successful program that Muslim Osama Krayem felt so much at home he went ahead and blessed Belgium with the best aspects of his culture as well. 
April 15, 2016 
Awesome! Star Swedish Immigrant Arrested 
for Belgium Bombings
The Syrian-origin Swedish passport holder arrested in Belgium last week for his involvement in the Brussels bomb attacks is a former poster boy for Sweden’s efforts at integrating migrants into their society. 
The Syrian-origin Swedish passport holder arrested in Belgium last week for his involvement in the Brussels bomb attacks is a former poster boy for Sweden’s efforts at integrating migrants into their society. 
Now accused of murder, and captured on CCTV cameras carrying bags which contained the explosive devices which killed 32 civilians, Islamist Osama Krayem had once been hailed as a model of integration. A former employee of the city of Malmo, at the age of 11 Osama starred in a documentary about migrants in Sweden. 
Both of Osama’s parents are Syrian migrants to Sweden, and have told tabloid Aftonbladet they wanted to see their son integrate into Swedish society. The family featured in a 2005 documentary called ‘Without Borders — A Film About Sport And Integration’, in which football-mad Krayem demonstrated how the Malmo football team had helped him settle into Swedish society. 
Isn't he just a special snowflake.
I just love a story about peace and tolerance and Eurabia. 
Howie at 02:16 PM | Comments |   
One of the many problems I have with leftist morons is they live in a fairy land tale where reality and their self-delusion are never simultaneously in the same room.

This is yet another example... of that.

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