Tuesday, April 05, 2016

A response to the Madore hatred.

"We also see it as he continually refers to the three fellow County Councilor’s as “the three Liberals,” even though each has roots to the Republican Party, even though the chair, Marc Boldt ran as “no party affiliation.'

Labels, of course, are meaningless.  The entire CCRINO shtick, for example... labels that have nothing to do with reality.

Help me with this, Lew.  I'm not a part of anything involving Madore or the GOP.  But I would love to know this:

How have Boldt, Stewart or Olson voted differently in any way than their opponents, had they been elected, have voted?

When you run as a Republican... or a conservative... or a fake Republican... and you vote like you were a democrat... then exactly what is supposed to be done about that?

Marc ran as "no party affiliation," even though he was an utterly worthless PCO in the GOP who never once bothered to show up for the meetings, save for his moronic effort to get the GOP endorsement that caused the CCRINOs to lose their collective minds.

Are you angry that Madore has spoken something approximating the truth?  I keep asking those running now for council how they would have voted differently than Boldt, Stewart or Olson.

And none of them have responded.

As a prospective constituent, do I not have the right to ask?  And as a prospective constituent, do they not have the duty to answer?

Or is their failure to answer... an answer in itself?

The council majority has an agenda.  They are following it.  When Madore could, he ran HIS agenda, much of which had been approved at the polls.... and the local RINOs and leftists LOST THEIR MINDS.

Is it conservative to restore a 2% property tax cut, especially when Boldt supported the tax increases in the first place?  Is it conservative to do, in fact, EVERY SINGLE THING I SAID BOLDT WOULD DO if he were elected?

As I said, labels are meaningless.  How you govern is what matters... and these three have governed like anything BUT Republicans... or what I believe a Republican is.

Help me with this: how have these three voted any differently than their opponents, had they been successful, would have voted?

I maintained throughout the election cycle that there was zero difference between Boldt and Dalesandro.  School me.

HOW has Boldt voted any differently than Dalesandro would have?

THAT'S the crux of the matter.

Instead, they continue on in their mission to roll back everything Madore did, right or wrong, not because it was wrong... but because Madore was the driving force behind these initiatives... and the Jim Mains types and the left stand on the sidelines and applaud as the CCRINO types do their dirty work for them while they do nothing...

In reference to Madore, you write: "But he doesn't listen and continued down the same path and once assuming chair position of the county commission, pushed his views over any other..."

You mean, like Marc does?

To me, this isn't about Madore.  This is about a petulant jerk that's close to losing his mind... that I had to block from sending me his idiotic text messages... taking his hard-on for Madore out on all of us.  Because I'd like to know: what have Stewart, Boldt and Olson done FOR us, instead of TO us?

WE are the ones who will have to pay more because of Marc.  WE are the ones who suffer in silence because Marc is wasting additional tens of thousands MORE dollars on CREDC so Bomar can waste more of our money going on French vacations that avail us nothing... among other things.

How are we SUPPOSED to react to that?

I have never voted for Madore.  I've slapped him around on my blog when I thought he had it coming.  But I am never going to blindly hate him enough to think that what he says outside of actual governance... actual results... is somehow more important than the results of that governance.  And the governance of these three have been, IMHO, utterly abysmal.  I am never going to throw a childish fit of pique like the next failed GOP candidate in the 49th, Crain, who has less than a zero chance of getting elected dog catcher in Vancouver and despise everything the man has done merely because HE has done it.

I don't have that luxury.

And for those of us who feel this way... how are WE supposed to address that?  Come up with yet another bogus Republican group like Crain's and use it to attack those three?  Do the same thing to them that Crain and the CCRINOs are doing not just to Madore, but to Pike and Mielke?

How are we supposed to react to this insanity?

Does Madore have some fault in this?  Of course.  You bet.  Do all of the others who wanted this outcome have some blame in this disaster?  Absolutely, but they'll never admit it.  Do these three councilors have blame for some of this?

Absolutely.  But who takes them to task?  No one.  They are as pure as the driven snow to those who wanted us to ignore past voting records as if they wouldn't have any impact on future governance... and how idiotic is that?

Are these three running the council and ignoring the voters at the poll, engaging in Stuart-style governance somehow blameless?  Or are we all now watching this fungus of hatred emanate from them while we all suffer as a result and they indulge their payback agenda?

And I get that you believe that Madore screwed you.  But Crain's minions, among others of that ilk, have been beating me to a pulp behind the scenes... so what am I supposed to think... and do... about that?

There's filth everywhere in the political realm.  But the only thing that matters is outcomes.  And the majority outcome on the current council has been and will continue to be utterly abysmal.  And everyone involved is responsible... but everyone involved does not get the same level of scrutiny or condemnation.

Why is that?

Help me to understand.

I want to know.

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