Wednesday, March 23, 2016

So... is Rivers running for re-election?

Oddly, she doesn't have a campaign website up.  She HAD one, but I beat her to death with it for using it to lie to get elected.

Yeah, I know she's out there fund-raising... at least to the extent allowed during session... but her pet hamster, Shane Bowman, hasn't reported a dime.

Rivers has literally been throwing money away at an astounding rate.

$10,000 to Bank of America.

For what?

$6,610 for a livestock auction.
$3,525 to the Skills Center for a "sponsorship."
$2,000 to the Salvation Army.
$1,360 to the Rock Solid Teen Center.
$1,300 to that fake Republican group run byt that whack job, Carolyn Crain.
$1,000 to Clark County Food Bank.
$1,000 to the Ridgefield Library.
$1,000 to the North County Food Bank.

And, another thousand to the Salvation Army.

And $500 more to Rock Solid.  And $401 to the North County Food Bank again.

$245 for "beef processing?"

So, as I look at those numbers... of $42,000 spent... easily $30,000 of it has a zero relationship to campaign expenditures.


Brandon Vick has become Rivers' bitch.  He voted the same way on the gas tax that Pike did.  Pike has been doing everything possible to get back in the CCRINO's good graces.  Vick has suffered zero ill-effect from Rivers' wrath.

So, here's a scenario:

Rivers moved up to the senate when Joe Zarelli bailed so he could make a fortune in pot manufacture support.

Rivers got the nod from Zarelli.  At the last second, she filed for the Senate keeping anyone else from doing so.

What about this:

Vick does the exact same thing.

Rivers bails for her high-dollar job that she's been promised in return for her betrayal on the gas tax/tab fee scam she ran to get elected.

Rivers bails at the last second, Vick gets on the ballot taking her place for the senate at the last second and Bowman shifts to Vick's seat.  Pike is shut out, and can only run for her own House seat.

That could explain why Rivers is dumping her cash and hiding/paying BoA so much with, no doubt, more to come.

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