Wednesday, March 30, 2016

RINO RIvers screws us with her vote again.

While different from her utter betrayal on the gas tax/tab fee increase vote of hers that helped to hang a $1500 or so tax anchor around our necks, it does go to her RINO pattern of supporting either the left or the Establishment's efforts to screw us when it comes to taxes or expenditures.

Every other voting legislator... or EITHER party... voted "no" on the budget... except for Rivers.

Once again, her vote was not needed for passage: the final tally for the budget vote was 27-17, two more votes than required... much like Rivers' vote to raise the gas tax/tab fees in violation of her pledge to us all to OPPOSE any increases in the gas tax/tab fees... since we've "spoken" and all... and she has "listened."

And there's no doubt that she HAS "listened."  The problem, of course, is that she's not listening to US.

Talk about being co-opted by the special interests.

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