Wednesday, October 07, 2015

My letter to the Reflector endorsing Liz Pike for county chair

(FULL DISCLOSURE: I freely admit that I am totally opposed to Marc Boldt's election this time, just as I was last time, since he's completely sold out to the left; forgotten/ignored GOP principles, supports the CRC scam in it's entirety and wants to hang tolls around our neck for the next several decades that would destroy a great deal of small business in Clark County as a result.

NO candidate or campaign or anyone involved or in any way concerned with any candidate or campaign was aware of or approved or had input into this post.

Further, Marc Boldt is my brother-in-law, and I worked for him as his legislative assistant for 6 years while he was in the state house, 1994 - 2000.)

    Why I’m opposed to Marc Boldt’s election.

    Although he’s my brother-in-law, I simply cannot ignore the most important indicator of his fitness for office: his record while he was a commissioner.  Further, I would review the record of anyone else similarly situated, and my support of Liz Pike is based on that same thing: her record that shows her true conservative perspective, as 60% of the voters in the 18th district indicated during her most recent election to state representative.

    After all, past is prologue.  And when, like Marc, you refuse to acknowledge your mistakes; such as his support of the CRC/Light Rail project for the 8 years he was in office; voting essentially in lock step with his democrat fellow commissioner Steve Stuart in opposition to Republican Tom Mielke; voting to increase our property taxes for 6 straight years, and voting to confiscate our weapons in the event of a county or state declared emergency… family ties can only go so far.

    Most recently, he showed his irresponsible side by angrily texting to me while driving a commercial truck in the vicinity of Irrigon on I-84 in Oregon, violating Oregon law and common sense this past September 27.  He doesn’t particularly respect anyone who may be opposed to his election or agenda.

    When I see who is funding and supporting him, I have to wonder why.  Leavitt, Betty Sue Morris, Joe Tanner, the far-left “Young Democrats,” among others… It gets me to thinking: has he learned nothing about representing the special interests over representing the people?  Did his 2012 defeat teach him anything… like humility?
    I cannot even force myself to vote for Boldt because I cannot put aside his actual record as a commissioner… because were he to be elected, we would see much more of the same…. the same man who laughed at the idea of our voting on the CRC.

    As a result, I endorse and I will be writing in Liz Pike for county chair.  Pike, politically, is everything Marc Boldt is not.  And in this Republican county, that’s who I want and who we need chairing the county council to maintain conservative control over local government.   
That's how I see it.  Feel free to weigh in.

And, as always, any candidate or representative of a candidate can feel free to provide a rejoinder, which I will post without editing.

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