Thursday, September 03, 2015

C3G2 Scum EXPLODE at likelihood of county-wide democracy and ending Boldt's CTran extortion tax.

Councilor David Madore is leading an effort to roll back Marc Boldt's idiotic scheme to cut rural voters out of having any say over CTran tax increases... voters who, thanks to Marc, having been cut off from having that say, have not been relieved of the duty of paying a tax imposed on them by the downtown mafia/leftist CTran scammers.

As expected, the C3G2 scum crawled out from under their collective rock and trashed Madore for making an effort to allow ALL of us who pay this extortion to have a say over it.

Scum that don't live here and don't have to pay the tax in question, such as fringe-left hater thug Ed Ruttledge, slither up to the comment section under the rag and again make it clear that we should live how they want, but not how they, themselves, actually live.

Lead by former democratian editorial page scumbag Johnny "Cockroach" Laird, the fringe-leftist slime are OUTraged that the CTran extortion racket faces extinction.

Going over the county precinct map with an xacto knife to cut out the "no" precincts to form the CTran extortion district is the kind of thing Boldt has done, voting for this rip-off.  But now, we have a way to make things right and restore the vote to ALL of us who pay it in this county, and predictably, the leftist scum lose their collective minds.

Ed Ruttledge ·
This is a budget busting bamboozle. Once the boundaries are expanded, C-Tran is required under law to provide paratransit services to all qualified citizens within its district boudaries. Paratrans services are nice to have, but they are very very costly. More so in low density rural areas owing to travel time labor costs and fuel costs. Though having occupied a seat on the C-Trans Board, it appears Great Leader Madore may not have considered this "unintended outcome."

Or, perhaps he doesn't care. He is simmply spending other people's money.

For all the bombastic shtick about being a godly Libertarian, he really is just another incompetent sleazy politician sticking it to the everyday taxpayer.

Like · Reply · 5 · 4 hrs
Richard Bullington ·

As I mentioned above, C-Tran SHOULD provide LIFT service throughout the County, but obviously only to those who are in financial need of it and do not have a car. In the truly rural parts of Clark County there are very few people who fit those criteria. I don't specifically know how one writes rules to accomplish this and remain within Federal Paratransit standards, but it's certainly worth investigating. I do know that it's the right thing to do, though, even if it means raising fares a bit.
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Ed Ruttledge ·

Richard Bullington : I am former department director for public transit. There are established protocols for qualifying for paratrans services that work well. But, on a per trip basis is very costly. Raising fares to cover the true cost for meeting what would become a County-wide service mandate would likely render the fares counter-productive in terms of service - it would deter people from using th eprimary system owing to fare cost. Thus, C-Trans would probably end up garnering revenue from another tax source to underwrite Great Leader Madore's latest big idea ... which has all the value of his big idea for a NO tolls NO fees and NO new taxes third bridge to the middle of the Columbia...
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Ben Grobe-Heintz ·
Watching Madore try to destroy our public transit system has become a little like watching Gargamel try to destroy the Smurfs. The evil wizard fails every time.
Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs
Richard Bullington ·
"There are real citizens out there who are not being served."

Examples, please. You might come up with a few dozen, and for that you want to "court pack" the C-Tran voting district with people who will never use the service so that it's starved for revenues? Seems like a poor trade to me. I'd venture that most of those supposed 20% actually hate the thought of getting on a bus unless it's one headed for the Plucky Beagle or Chinook Winds.

In fact, if you come up with more than a few dozen, I'd bet a pretty good amount that the C-Tran Board -- and the people in the District -- would be O
...See More
Like · Reply · 11 · 11 hrs
John M. Kowalski ·
"Madore’s resolution states that the district was shrunk to “assure passage of future tax increases,” and that the “gerrymandering” of the districts has “disenfranchised” rural residents who may need to access C-Tran buses from voting on taxes."

,It was shrunk to ensure stability of the service! This man should not drive or operate heavy machinery, nor be in the business of administering transportation services.
Like · Reply · 10 · 11 hrs
Douglas Green ·
Acknowledging his renewed mandate, bronze medal winner Madore called for ...
Like · Reply · 4 · 11 hrs
Thom Rasmussen ·
“It’s like taxation without representation,” Mielke said.
Seriously? Try working in Oregon, you bonehead! I mean really, the ignorance of these guys. How did they get elected anyway?
Like · Reply · 11 · 11 hrs
Ed Ruttledge ·
"How did they get elected anyway?"

Like · Reply · 1 hr
Lorretta Thomas
Stewart talks of 'community turmoil' because someone certainly has to. Madore's way to busy making his latest Scheme Reveal, complete with manifestos, on his FB page to care or even comprehend he's the cause. It's becoming obvious he's fairly committed to getting something, anything, into the works that will divide and seperate us into our distinct places before November's election and January's swearing in of the new county chair. If Mielke is feeling put upon about driving into cities to utilize urban amenities it looks like it's the voters he has to pick the bone with. They made that ...See More
Like · Reply · 7 · 12 hrs
Fran Hammond ·
Is there not a portion of our sales tax that is allocated to C-Tran in any area that is served by C-Tran? Hence, you would not just pay it "everytime you drive into the city limits" as Mielke states. Of course, he has been confused about both sales taxes and property taxes for years...
Like · Reply · 6 · 12 hrs
Fran Hammond ·
It is called "unincorporated PTBA". Memo to Mielke...
Like · Reply · 2 · 11 hrs
John Laird ·
So David Madore wants to vote on local taxes in localities where he does not live? Wow, what a concept! Maybe we can all vote on those exorbitant hotel and rental car taxes in Seattle and San Francisco, too. Reality: If you don't like the taxes in a taxing district, stay out of the district.
Like · Reply · 12 · 13 hrs
Of course, what none of these scum care about or mention is that, practically no retail center in the county was left out of their idiotic extortion district.

They go so far as stupidly holding up Oregon as some sort of great example of their legalized rape, as if that made it "right" somehow.

For me, the issue is simple.

First and foremost these leftist scum hate the idea, which means it's probably absolutely the right thing and best thing to do.

Secondly, this is yet another example where they could give a damn about the will of the people.
Thirdly, the genuine leftist assholes like Cockroach apparently conclude that the people paying a tax in their county because there are few to no places where they could go in the county and NOT pay this idiotic tax that Boldt wanted so badly should not even be asked and that the imposition of such a tax should just be left to bureaucrats who don't answer to anyone.

We live here.  We pay this idiocy because Boldt, among others, scammed a map into something THEY liked to shut us out from having any say.  Now is the time for Boldt to choke on it.... and explain to the 60,000 or so of us who cannot vote on this yet must pay the tax, why that is.

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