Sunday, August 16, 2015

Today marks the 4th year of working at the foodbank. Have you thought about doing charitable works?

If you're reading this during the day, there's a good chance my wife and I are doing our monthly service working for the Lewis River Mobile Food Bank.

I handle paperwork and use the dreaded-by-Lew-Brancaccio-Big-Red-Ford-Diesel-Dually to haul the trailer, splitting that duty with another volunteer.

Now, the purpose of this post is not to pat myself on the back.  It is, instead, to set the table to ask you to ponder this question:

Have you given serious consideration to doing the hands-on work needed to make charitable organizations actually function?

There are, I am sure, a wide variety of groups covering a number of fields where volunteer work is welcomed.

I know that many of you give to groups in a variety of ways; some, quite substantial amounts of money.

And money is important, to be sure... but your labor is even more important than money.

Take a moment after reading this and ask yourself: is their something you can do to help?  To make a difference?  To change a life... or two or three?

Think about it.  Try and find some time.  Try to find a cause.  And give of yourself.

The reward is amazing.

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