Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The idiocy of Obama's Iran sell out confirmed: Iran gets to inspect itself.

There is a cloud of stupidity that hangs over federal and state government.  I see it as being consistent with a radioactive cloud... a silent killer of our individual intelligence... designed to count on Obama's "the voters are stupid" shtick... where we are just supposed to believe this lying bastard merely because he says so.

Kind of like... "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan."

The President of the United States wants an agreement with a terrorist state that has killed at least 2500 American troops and wounded 10's of thousands more.

The President of the United State wants to fork over billions of dollars to that state.

The reality that the money in question should be evenly distributed to the victims of the Iranian scum who killed, maimed, kidnapped and terrorized American citizens without suffering for it goes without saying.

Every penny of that money should go to the families of those killed, to the wounded and their families, to those held hostage and their families and those who have suffered while the coward running our government does nothing to retaliate.

Failing that, the money should go back into the military to keep our personnel strength at a level where the military can actually, realistically, defend us.

I understand the money is $150 billion.  The military could do quite a bit with that, as could the victims and their families.

And... on top of that... Lurch and Barry were moronic enough to agree to allow a deal where Iran... effectively... gets to inspect itself.



That makes as much sense as allowing the Germans to self-inspect their concentration camps during the War.

It takes a unique... special kind of idiocy to agree to that.  But then, we have a unique... special kind of idiot running the show.

No one in government should allow this agreement to go forward and not one cent should ever go back to Iran or any of it's satellites.

    Rumors to this effect have been swirling for weeks, as you're already aware. The Obama administration has been evasive about several secret side deals cut between Iran and the IAEA, prompting criticism from skeptics of the accord who note that US law requires the White House to release every single letter of the agreement to Congress for review. Secretary of State John Kerry has dodged questions about what these bonus bargains entail, and which US officials are privy to their contents. The Associated Press is now confirming that the IAEA has agreed to allow Iran to effectively inspect itself at the controversial Parchin nuclear site, within the context of accounting for the past military dimensions of the regime's nuclear program. Details:

    Iran, in an unusual arrangement, will be allowed to use its own experts to inspect a site it allegedly used to develop nuclear arms under a secret agreement with the U.N. agency that normally carries out such work, according to a document seen by The Associated Press. The revelation is sure to roil American and Israeli critics of the main Iran deal signed by the U.S., Iran and five world powers in July. Those critics have complained that the deal is built on trust of the Iranians, a claim the U.S. has denied. The investigation of the Parchin nuclear site by the International Atomic Energy Agency is linked to a broader probe of allegations that Iran has worked on atomic weapons. That investigation is part of the overarching nuclear deal. The Parchin deal is a separate, side agreement worked out between the IAEA and Iran. The United States and the five other world powers that signed the Iran nuclear deal were not party to this agreement but were briefed on it by the IAEA and endorsed it as part of the larger package. Without divulging its contents, the Obama administration has described the document as nothing more than a routine technical arrangement between Iran and the U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency on the particulars of inspecting the site.
    The agreement diverges from normal inspection procedures between the IAEA and a member country by essentially ceding the agency’s investigative authority to Iran. It allows Tehran to employ its own experts and equipment in the search for evidence for activities that it has consistently denied — trying to develop nuclear weapons...Olli Heinonen, who was in charge of the Iran probe as deputy IAEA director general from 2005 to 2010, said he can think of no instance where a country being probed was allowed to do its own investigation. Iran has refused access to Parchin for years and has denied any interest in — or work on — nuclear weapons. Based on U.S., Israeli and other intelligence and its own research, the IAEA suspects that the Islamic Republic may have experimented with high-explosive detonators for nuclear arms at that military facility and other weapons-related work elsewhere. The IAEA has repeatedly cited evidence, based on satellite images, of possible attempts to sanitize the site since the alleged work stopped more than a decade ago.

    Nothing to see here, the White House insists, describing the arrangement as "routine," even as the AP and top IAEA officials explicitly describe how it's anything but routine.  Obama administration officials say they're "confident" that the watchdog agency will be able hold Iran to account even under these special circumstances.  When we wrote about this issue last month, however, we linked to a piece quoting a nuclear inspections expert who expressed concerns about Iran's ability to tamper with the samples it provides.  If Iran has nothing to hide at Parchin, what possible justification to they have for excluding any international inspectors from overseeing this process?  It's one thing for Iran to bar any Americans from joining any of the inspections teams and to wield veto power over which inspectors will be permitted into the country.  It's another thing altogether to exclusively entrust the regime with the on-the-ground logistics of inspecting a crucial nuclear site.   As a reminder, when it comes to other suspected nuclear sites, this deal allows Iran to contest "snap" inspections, triggering an appeal process of up to 24 days.  Nuclear experts have criticized this concession, too. “A 24-day adjudicated timeline reduces detection probabilities exactly where the system is weakest: detecting undeclared facilities and materials,” one told the New York Times.  Another added that Tehran is "practiced at cheating."  Sen. Lindsey Graham and others are threatening to use a major US leverage point to put the squeeze to the IAEA:
    A critical, cash-strapped U.N. agency has found itself in the middle of a game of diplomatic tug of war as lawmakers in Washington wrestle with the Iran nuclear deal. The International Atomic Energy Agency, or IAEA, hasn’t captured as many headlines as other players in the negotiations. But if Congress approves the pact between Iran, the U.S. and five other world powers, the agency will be the one to check on whether Iran is fulfilling its obligations under the agreement, taking on a whole new set of verification and inspection requirements. As skeptical legislators search for leverage in their fight against the nuclear deal, the IAEA has become a serious negotiating chip. A decent chunk of its funding comes from Washington and is beholden to fickle lawmakers -- some of whom have threatened to use that money to unspool the Iran agreement. Earlier this month, Sen. Lindsey Graham vowed to hold up the agency's funding until lawmakers received access to additional documents from the Iran accord.

    Republican leaders and their Democratic allies on this issue have been insisting that every element of the Iran deal be made public, in accordance with the legislation signed by President Obama himself:


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