Thursday, August 06, 2015

Boldt and Dalesandro: two candidates exactly the same... who to choose?

Learned a lot from the last election.

The drumbeat of hate and lies to assassinate (politically) those you don't agree with is effective.  (Another subject coming up for another post)

Even the most well-funded campaign can fail if not properly directed (and this one is for the postmortem as well).

But now?

Now we have two candidates exactly the same.

Who do you vote for?

Well, I'm sitting this one out (I'll write-in Bruce Jenner, actually.  After all, we all celebrate diversity in our own way, right?) so this is a basic primer on the fact that these two leftists are stamped out of precisely the same mold.

With Boldt, you'll get lies, tax increases, rabid support of the CRC Scam or it's replacement, and a serious effort to make sure that the people are not heard on any of these issues, because, like so many of his ilk, what the people really want doesn't matter beyond what he can get out of it.

Your typical democrat is pro-tax; pro-choice, anti-people.  Boldt, who was rabidly opposed to abortion, obviously has changed his position on that as indicated by his acceptance of the Young Communists endorsement.  He also voted for property tax increases for 6 out of 8 years, and slavishly pushed the CTran agenda, including tax increases.

With Dalesandro, you'll get lies, tax increases, rabid support of the CRC Scam or it's replacement, and a serious effort to make sure that the people are not heard on any of these issues, because, like so many of his ilk, what the people really want doesn't matter beyond what he can get out of it.

We have the government we deserve.  And with these two, there's not a damned dime's worth of difference between them.

And if you think there is, just check out how giddy the local leftists are that Boldt was the top vote-getter.


  1. One thing for sure, I cannot be blamed for any of it.

    I stayed as far out of it as I could, referring all matters to the RPCCGOP and RLC, since they seem to know how to do it all better.

    Looks like Berrigan's "fight to the death"" went up in smoke.

    Oh well, clinging to control is more important than winning elections, they were all warned.

  2. Shocked, I am.... but I"ll write in Madore in the general election. I won't vote for the haters, either one.


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