Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Another sign of how much Obama hates the military/veterans: VA wants to close hospitals, raid Vet Choice funds

There's no doubt that the slimeball president we're cursed with hates the military and, per force, veterans.

Any illegal alien coming here gets better treatment than a vet while the left sits on their ass and applauds.

Well, as a victim of the joke called "Veteran's Choice," I know first hand what a joke the Administrations VA care actually is.

Add this to Obama's package of scams and campaign lies about how he'd straighten out the Veteran's Administration if he was elected... an organization arguably worse off by about any measure since Obama's regime took over... and veterans are dying because of it.

From "This Ain't Hell."

VA wants to close hospitals, raid Vet Choice funds
 | July 14, 2015 | 3 Comments
Something else that won’t surprise you; the VA wants to close some hospitals and raid Veterans Choice Program funds to close a $2.5 billion shortfall in the budget this year, well, unless Congress can send them some money-love, according to the Associated Press;
The VA said it wants authority to use up to $3 billion from the new Veterans Choice program to close the budget gap, with as much as $500 million going to treat hepatitis C. A single pill for the liver-wasting viral infection can cost up to $1,000.
The Choice program, the centerpiece of a VA overhaul approved last year, makes it easier for veterans to receive federally paid medical care from local doctors. Congress approved $10 billion over three years for the Choice program as it responded to a scandal over long waits for veterans seeking medical care and falsified records to cover up the delays.
Deputy VA Secretary Sloan Gibson told Congress that VA health care sites experienced a 10.5 percent increase in workload for the one-year period since the scandal erupted in April 2014.
It’s kind of funny (funny queer, not funny ha-ha) how, no matter how much money Congress throws at the VA, they always seem to run out. Unless there’s a training conference in Hawaii – there’s always money for that. I’m sure there are some funds laying around that was supposed to tell vets about the Choice program that they never got around to spending, because I get to field questions about it nearly every day.
According to The Hill, they’re already saving money because a third of veterans on waiting lists are already dead, so they’ve got that going for them;
A review of veteran death records provided to the Huffington Post found that, as of April, 847,822 veterans were awaiting healthcare and that of those, 238,647 were already deceased.
The report was handed over by Scott Davis, a program specialist at the VA’s Health Eligibility Center in Atlanta
He also sent copies to the House and Senate VA panels and to the White House.
A VA spokeswoman told Huffington Post that the department can’t subtract dead applicants from the list and that some may never have completed an application but remain on the back log.
See? They’re saving money as fast as they can. If only veterans would die faster for them.
Thanks to Richard and Bobo for the links.

Wasting billions on illegal aliens.

Billions on Obamaphones.

Billions on solar company subsidies.

Billions on screwing us to keep unions working on GM.

Billions on Iran.

Of course, it's not all his fault... the GOP-controlled Congress sits on it's collective hands and does nothing... well, making the GOP complicit.

And tens of thousands of us are dead because of them... with barely a ripple.

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