Thursday, June 11, 2015

Today's reason to loathe our congress-critter: TPA What's her position? Or: Didn't Obamacare teach the GOP ANYTHING?

Readers know that I believe Jaime Herrera has been a joke since Cathy McMorris slammed her together from spare parts laying around the office and parachuted her back in here to take on Brian Baird via Marc Boldt getting that waste of skin appointed to the vacant 18th District seat back in '07.

THAT skullduggery remains yet another reason to vote AGAINST Boldt, instead of FOR him... but that's a subject for another post.

Meanwhile, of the many problems I have with that vacuous, empty-suited idiot is that on the issues confronting us, the Camas Manikin typically remains silent... so we have to guess what she's going to do in any given situation.

I get why that coward does that.  If you keep your mouth shut until you vote, it's too late for anyone to complain.  The vote is cast, and that's it.

Of course, like her cowardice in failing to hold open town-hall meetings, that does not come close to actually "representing" the people in Congress.

It's a mirror of the Steve Stuart scam.  I'm sure that in a more sober moment, she'd say the exact, same thing as Stuart:

(Credit Lew Waters)

On the issues confronting us, the majority of the time that self-aggrandizing putz sits there like Buddha, equally responsive as she continues to fool vast numbers of people into thinking that she's a. Republican and b. that she gives a damn about us.

Her number one reason for existence begins and ends with her re-election.  She is the very example of a politician that most, were they even remotely interested in what she does or doesn't do, would despise.

The GOP in Congress is once again, lining up to throw us all under the bus, by once again, bailing that simple idiot in the White House out, this time over TPA, or Trade Promotion Authority.

The GOP in Congress is once again, lining up to throw us all under the bus, by once again, bailing that simple idiot in the White House out, this time over TPA, or Trade Promotion Authority.

So.... let me get this straight. You guys in the GOP are getting behind giving Obama the TPA.

OK, Fine.

Where's a copy of it that *I* can read?

How can you support ANY legislation that NONE of you have even read? That none of us CAN read?

Didn't Obamacare teach you people anything?

TPA may be the greatest piece of legislation ever devised by man. But until I can READ the damned thing, I will oppose it in every way I can. And that ANYONE would support this or any other legislation, no matter WHO supports it or opposes it without being able to read it first?

You people are nuts.

Meanwhile, where's that empty-suited idiot of a Congresswoman at on this legislation?

Don't know?

Well, that's the point of this.

WHY don't you know?

Because she doesn't want to tell you.

And it's not just about this... it's about almost EVERYTHING of substance.

There's a reason she's not a House GOP talking head like, say, Jason Chaffetz, or brand-newly elected Ryan Zinke.  Primarily, that when it comes to communicating and people skills, she's as dumb as a box of hammers.

The list of things she's remaining silent on and has been silent on ever since we were unfortunate enough to ever see her is stunning in it's breadth and dimension.

We'll all find out when she, likely, votes FOR this crap... again, without having a clue as to what's in it.

And that she acts this way, that she keeps us at arm's length, that fails to communicate with us in any meaningful way... that she CONTINUES to fail to work for US?

Give me Brian Baird any day.  At least you knew where he stood on the issues and you could go beat the hell out of him or pat him on the back (I did both) as the case merited.

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