Thursday, June 04, 2015

John "Cockroach" Laird gets squashed in democratian comments.

Most readers know that John "Cockroach" Laird was the last editorial page editor of the local Daily Communist.

He was and remains one of the purest forms of leftist lying scum, a divisive hater of the C3G2 ilk, a liar from the old school with an obsessive hatred of all things to the right of Mao.

Today, in the very rag he sullied for so long, he got his clock cleaned in response to one of his typically moronic comments concerning his Loot Rail/I-5 Bridge fetish.

Best known for referring to the vast majority of this county as "cockroaches," in print in his hate-filled rants... if we were wise enough to oppose his idiotic loot rail obsession... few have done more to have actually earned that sobriquet than Laird himself... which is why I apply it to him so freely.

Meanwhile, the rag did another column demanding tax increases on everyone but themselves (As usual) over the issue of infrastructure, because Puget Sound is the Black Hole of Transportation dollars and so, in order to address issues anywhere else, we all must be raped to subsidize their boondoggles... or something.

So, what does our resident cockroach do?

Lie his ass completely off.  But then, that's what he known for, right?

John Laird · Top Commenter · Works at Retired JournalistWe all know why "little of that revenue would find its way back to Clark County in the form of transportation projects ..." It's because local Republicans - led by Don Benton, David Madore and Tom Mielke - are obsessed with less government. And now they're about to get it. There comes a time when every politician must stop ranting and start governing, stop obstructing and start serving, stop throwing furniture and start building infrastructure. Unfortunately, that time is in Clark County's distant future.
Reply · 8 · 3 hours ago
Hatred drives Laird.  Has for the entirety of the unfortunate time he's been in this community.

We're all less because of it.

I am, of course, opposed to a gas tax increase that we are not allowed to vote on.

I will oppose any legislator who votes for such an increase without a referendum clause attached.

Laird will NEVER get over the fact that he worked so hard to get this scam built only to see it, thankfully, go up in smoke.

Yes, Sen. Benton had a great deal to do with that among others.  He opposes the gas tax as well, to his credit.

But precisely WHAT does Mielke or Madore have to do with the gas tax?

Absolutely nothing.

But when scum like Laird are so driven by hatred that they present garbage like this as if it has even a scintilla of truth about it, well, the play of the hatred card is just so unbecoming.

Laird can always pick his goat-smelling ass up and go back to wherever it is he slithered from before he came here if this place is such a hell hole.  But that most of the legislators representing this county actually express the WILL OF THE PEOPLE provides him with zero excuse to be a liar.

Meanwhile, a far more erudite and articulate commenter than I, David Arnett, schools Cockroach on the reality of the situation.

David Arnett · Top CommenterJohn, the 'less government' vs. 'more government' question has been part of the philosophical divide between Rs and Ds since long before Benton, Madore, or Mielke became active in governing.
This article, and your comment, would seem to suggest that the primary goal of infrastructure development in this corner of the State is to bring tax dollars and associated construction jobs to our area. That is a liberal approach. 
Republicans are taking the approach that first we all have to agree on the goals of a project; then we have to agree on the design to meet those goals; then we fund and build. It's not primarily about counting the dollars that are spent here, but counting the value actually built here. That's the only way taxing to build infrastructure becomes a net benefit to communities and regions. 
For CRC, a major difference we saw in local support started with the goals. There are many Republicans, myself included, who acknowledge that the main purpose of the CRC was to extend the MAX rail system into Vancouver. Improvements from that project for vehicles with tires were terribly small. The project would have created serious impediments to vehicles with keels, because the project was located at a point on the map where planes, trains, boats, and automobiles all try to run. The project could not meet all the needs, and was forced to sacrifice important elements of balance between transportation modes that we have today. The lone project benefit - light rail - did not justify the enormous expenses, expenses that were to be disproportionately borne by the people of Clark County. The project was not viewed as a net benefit by a majority of informed voters in Clark County. (I say that based on a professional survey run by The Columbian, and based on every measure on local ballots that has come close to asking voters the question directly.)

At Mill Plain & I-5, we see the same difference playing out. The approach from Vancouver City Hall has been: 1. Give us some money; 2. then we'll tell you what the project will be; and 3. here are some fuzzy goals if you really want to know. Oh, and this undefined project will be pursued instead of a handful of other projects in the county that have been defined and are waiting patiently for funding. That backward approach to government projects rubs conservative Republicans the wrong way. Understand this: we will support projects that satisfy actual needs, and that are aligned to local values.

It's not just about starting to govern, John. Its about starting to govern well. So when Democrat dad comes home on Friday night having spent the weekly paycheck at the tavern again, he'd better expect his Republican wife to throw some furniture. Some expenditures of our common funds flatly deserve to be obstructed.

At Mill Plain & I-5, we see the same difference playing out. The approach from Vancouver City Hall has been: 1. Give us some money; 2. then we'll tell you what the project will be; and 3. here are some fuzzy goals if you really want to know. Oh, and this undefined project will be pursued instead of a handful of other projects in the county that have been defined and are waiting patiently for funding. That backward approach to government projects rubs conservative Republicans the wrong way. Understand this: we will support projects that satisfy actual needs, and that are aligned to local values.

It's not just about starting to govern, John. Its about starting to govern well. So when Democrat dad comes home on Friday night having spent the weekly paycheck at the tavern again, he'd better expect his Republican wife to throw some furniture. Some expenditures of our common funds flatly deserve to be obstructed.Reply · 1 · 2 hours ago

Laird, being an uber-fringe-left nutjob, could care less.  He's not unlike a sniveling teacher making $80,000 a year for their 183 day, 7 hour part time job.

No amount of taxes is enough.  No amount of money is enough.  Never, ever.

And the Laird-types infesting us can't seem to find any alternatives from their obsessions... because, after all, in their world, those are the only ideas that matter... and the rest of us are treated with the contempt and the vilification of the Laird type haters.

And imagine how much better off we'd be if they leave since this area sucks so very much in their view.

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