Thursday, June 18, 2015

Another sign the GOP Congress sucks.

There's a certain level of insanity involved with the current GOP efforts to give the Moron-in-Chief even more power over a bill that we have yet to be able to read in the midst of their efforts to cave on illegal aliens:


Obama Admin gives tips to illegals on getting work permits...

ICE Director says no one fired for releasing 65,000 criminal aliens onto streets...

5,000 freed in Arizona...

280 arrested in Midwest for robbery, burglary, battery, hit and run...

Caught, released, caught and released again...

Zuckerberg's cynical ploy for cheap foreign labor...

Mexico Now Deporting More Than USA...

'Dramatic shift'...

Technical 'glitch' cripples US visa system...

Robots to replace border police in France...

Greek island swamped by refugee flood; No relief in sight...

Haitians booted from Dominican Republic uncertain of future...

Central European states against migrant quotas...

Record gains for anti-immigrant party in Danish vote...


Obamatrade resurrected by Republicans...

House Passes...

Could encompass up to 90% of world GDP...

SESSIONS: 'Members did not know that when they voted'...


Govt projected Obamatrade would produce 0% growth...


Brilliant GOP leadership.  


THIS is what people across the nation fought for last cycle?

You have GOT to be kidding me.

But this is what happens when you elect RINOs.


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