freely admit that I am totally opposed to Marc Boldt's election this
time, just as I was last time, since he's completely sold out to the
left; forgotten/ignored GOP principles, supports the CRC scam in it's
entirety and wants to hang tolls around our neck for the next several
decades that will destroy a great deal of small business in Clark County
as a result.
NO candidate or campaign or anyone involved or in any way concerned with any candidate or campaign was aware of or approved or had input into this post.
Further, Marc Boldt is my brother-in-law, and I worked for him as his legislative assistant for 6 years while he was in the state house.)
I simply do not know who wrote the verbiage in Marc's web site. I'm going to find out, though.
I get the idea: words have meaning... some of the verbiage is so nebulous as to be absurdly general. Equally as important as what is there is what isn't.
When I look at Marc's "issues page," for example, there's absolutely no mention of any cross-river transportation improvements.
There's certainly no mention of his rabid, prior year's long support of the CRC/Loot Rail/$2000 per year toll scam.
Odd, isn't it? He lists ALMOST all of the "numerous transportation projects" he's supported... but he left the CRC Scam out.
He DOESN'T tell us what his positions are on CTran's recent skulduggery; what his position is on the unconstitutional contract abrogating eminent domain to TriMet, or paying $46,000 per month to that bankrupt organization to collect fares... or CTran jacking up fares in the face of his rabid support of the tax-increase rip off in 2011... or even his efforts to campaign for that unneeded increase. He doesn't explain his support for the CTran taxing district that excluded tens of thousands of rural voters (Like me) from having any say, but certainly not from paying any tax.
He indicates he is "Tough on Crime."
Was he being "tough on crime" when he voted for the unconstitutional ordinance that would have taken our weapons away from us in the event of a commissioner-declared emergency?
He indicates he's "demonstrated fiscal restraint with the county budget." He doesn't mention increasing our property taxes 6 out of the 8 years he was a commissioner. He doesn't discuss the vote he took with fellow democrat Steve Stuart to jack up our sales tax without asking us. He doesn't mention that he was fine with the commissioner system when he was one, drawing $100,000 plus per year in addition to that car allowance, or that his support of the charter was based on this single purpose: for Boldt to find a way to overturn the results of the 2012 election where he was defeated by David Madore, much like it was for all the Charter scammers.
Well, that and maxing out his pension that requires another 2 years of government service to accomplish.
In short, his web site is nothing more than generalized political boiler plate.
He answers no questions and takes no positions on the SPECIFIC issues confronting us.
He offers up no plan to address the bridge shortage crossing the Columbia. He offers no solutions concerning the TriMet mess. He fails to explain how he can be so "fiscally restrained" when he increased our property taxes almost every chance he could get.
He also doesn't explain why he, essentially laughed at the efforts to get a county-wide CRC vote or why he lied to me, personally, about such a vote back in 2010.
A commenter under his article in the democratian detailing his decision to formally abandon the GOP instead of simply ignoring it through his tenure on the commission, addresses the motivation for this when he wrote:
Shades of Jon Russell and Mussolini Mikey Briggs.
"Represent ALL of Clark County," Marc?
How, pray tell, do you intend to represent ME? Am I not part of the county that you would be "representing?"
Here's a man who told me once when I was working for him in his front office in the Legislature:
"I am not going to lie."
Well, we seem to be way past that now, don't we, Marc?
As you read this, remember: no one alive knows more about Marc politically than I do.
And for those who think this is personal on my part, rest assured, it isn't.
If Steve "I only speak for Steve" Stuart were running, I'd be beating on him like a rented step-child as well. Their records are so much alike, most of the actions listed here could have their names interchanged and the result would be the same.
No, there's only one question you need to be asking as you read this:
"Is Hinton telling the truth?"
Look up his record on these issues and many others I'm going to be discussing in some detail over the coming months and draw your own conclusion.
I'd never presume to tell you WHAT to think.
But I AM going to tell you TO think.
NO candidate or campaign or anyone involved or in any way concerned with any candidate or campaign was aware of or approved or had input into this post.
Further, Marc Boldt is my brother-in-law, and I worked for him as his legislative assistant for 6 years while he was in the state house.)
I simply do not know who wrote the verbiage in Marc's web site. I'm going to find out, though.
I get the idea: words have meaning... some of the verbiage is so nebulous as to be absurdly general. Equally as important as what is there is what isn't.
When I look at Marc's "issues page," for example, there's absolutely no mention of any cross-river transportation improvements.
There's certainly no mention of his rabid, prior year's long support of the CRC/Loot Rail/$2000 per year toll scam.
Odd, isn't it? He lists ALMOST all of the "numerous transportation projects" he's supported... but he left the CRC Scam out.
He DOESN'T tell us what his positions are on CTran's recent skulduggery; what his position is on the unconstitutional contract abrogating eminent domain to TriMet, or paying $46,000 per month to that bankrupt organization to collect fares... or CTran jacking up fares in the face of his rabid support of the tax-increase rip off in 2011... or even his efforts to campaign for that unneeded increase. He doesn't explain his support for the CTran taxing district that excluded tens of thousands of rural voters (Like me) from having any say, but certainly not from paying any tax.
He indicates he is "Tough on Crime."
Was he being "tough on crime" when he voted for the unconstitutional ordinance that would have taken our weapons away from us in the event of a commissioner-declared emergency?
He indicates he's "demonstrated fiscal restraint with the county budget." He doesn't mention increasing our property taxes 6 out of the 8 years he was a commissioner. He doesn't discuss the vote he took with fellow democrat Steve Stuart to jack up our sales tax without asking us. He doesn't mention that he was fine with the commissioner system when he was one, drawing $100,000 plus per year in addition to that car allowance, or that his support of the charter was based on this single purpose: for Boldt to find a way to overturn the results of the 2012 election where he was defeated by David Madore, much like it was for all the Charter scammers.
Well, that and maxing out his pension that requires another 2 years of government service to accomplish.
In short, his web site is nothing more than generalized political boiler plate.
He answers no questions and takes no positions on the SPECIFIC issues confronting us.
He offers up no plan to address the bridge shortage crossing the Columbia. He offers no solutions concerning the TriMet mess. He fails to explain how he can be so "fiscally restrained" when he increased our property taxes almost every chance he could get.
He also doesn't explain why he, essentially laughed at the efforts to get a county-wide CRC vote or why he lied to me, personally, about such a vote back in 2010.
A commenter under his article in the democratian detailing his decision to formally abandon the GOP instead of simply ignoring it through his tenure on the commission, addresses the motivation for this when he wrote:
John Burke · Top Commenter · Vancouver, Washington“This county needs a chair who can represent ALL of Clark County, not just the people in their party,” he stated in a press release.
This is brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! So long as you don't _think_ about it (Like...How can he represent everyone when everyone is different?).
Ahh, but you're not supposed to think about it. You're only supposed to feel it...and then to vote...Vote for Bolt!!![sic]
We don't need no stinking details and we sure DON'T need a true recitation of his actual record, his history of ignoring us, belittling us when we asked for a vote on the CRC FOR YEARS... no... we don't need the truth.
Shades of Jon Russell and Mussolini Mikey Briggs.
"Represent ALL of Clark County," Marc?
How, pray tell, do you intend to represent ME? Am I not part of the county that you would be "representing?"
Here's a man who told me once when I was working for him in his front office in the Legislature:
"I am not going to lie."
Well, we seem to be way past that now, don't we, Marc?
As you read this, remember: no one alive knows more about Marc politically than I do.
And for those who think this is personal on my part, rest assured, it isn't.
If Steve "I only speak for Steve" Stuart were running, I'd be beating on him like a rented step-child as well. Their records are so much alike, most of the actions listed here could have their names interchanged and the result would be the same.
No, there's only one question you need to be asking as you read this:
"Is Hinton telling the truth?"
Look up his record on these issues and many others I'm going to be discussing in some detail over the coming months and draw your own conclusion.
I'd never presume to tell you WHAT to think.
But I AM going to tell you TO think.
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