Friday, May 08, 2015

Local democrats appear to have figured it out: no d announced for county chair.

(FULL DISCLOSURE:  I freely admit that I am totally opposed to Marc Boldt's election this time, just as I was last time, since he's completely sold out to the left; forgotten/ignored GOP principles, supports the CRC scam in it's entirety and wants to hang tolls around our neck for the next several decades that will destroy a great deal of small business in Clark County as a result.

NO candidate or campaign or anyone involved or in any way concerned with any candidate or campaign was aware of or approved or had input into this post.

Further, Marc Boldt is my brother-in-law, and I worked for him as his legislative assistant for 6 years while he was in the state house, 1994 - 2000.)

As of this writing, no democrat has stepped forward to become the next sacrificial lamb to the GOP juggernaut that Clark County has become.

This will likely to be the first time that no announced democrat has run for a countywide position.  It's early yet, of course, but as incredible as it seems, filing week begins Monday.

Our local leftists get it, of course, to the extent that their paper-thin bench is unelectable for the most part.

Even in the District 2 elections, they're running a couple of nobodies who can't win... but to forfeit the County Chair race shows how weak our local leftists have become.

The irony of all of this is that those leftists who are sitting this one out are the ones most rabidly behind the Charter scam.

Right now, there are two well-known Republicans running, David Madore and Tom Mielke (Both current commissioners) and Marc Boldt, who has described himself as both a conservative Republican (when he announced) and, most recently, a "moderate" Republican (In The Reflector article) focusing on the non-existent divisiveness that he has done so much to foster.

But the last thing the dems want to do is run another countywide race that will again reject their policies of arrogance, ignorance and rejection of the will of the voters... only to get clobbered at the polls.


In the meantime, Marc Boldt is playing the role of the pseudo leftist, the same failed campaign strategy of Shane Gardner, likely with the same outcome.He, too, was rabidly behind the charter because of his personal dislike of David Madore.

After all, Marc sure didn't do anything to change the shape or form of county government when HE was a commissioner, did he?

As of now, Marc is using leftist language to rally his leftist base in his emailers, so isolated from the GOP that he has no clue what their issues are or how to tap into the undercurrent of loathing for leftist policies and that same kind of leftist arrogance that he promulgated while a county commissioner while claiming allegiance to the GOP... an organization he admitted he hadn't even read the platform.

Some leftists will rally to the cause of the alleged "Conservative Republican" because they will be more than happy to ignore their wedge issues (Such as abortion, for example: the left hates pro-lifers with a passion, and Marc is militantly so... which will make zero difference to the left as they would elect anyone in their hatred of Madore and to a lesser extent, Mielke.)
Boldt hopes to BE the democrat candidate without saying it.  That's far too cute by half and I'll be spending a great deal of time explaining it as the election spools up.

Meanwhile, it will be a great political race between Madore and Mielke.  For conservatives, and unlike Marc, both have anti-CRC and anti tax-increase credentials that are impeccable.  Boldt and his handlers, meanwhile, are convinced that Madore and Mielke will split the conservative vote and one of them will be eliminated for the general.

The framework for that plan was the abortive Mussolini Mikey Briggs/John Ley/Brandon Vick race in the 18th District.  Ley and Vick split the GOP vote because Vick lied like Baghdad Bob and the people bought his garbage.

Meanwhile, Mussolini Mikey told the whole world that he'd "won" the primary... even though the combined GOP vote exceeded 60%.

Musso was crushed in the general to arguably THE weakest incumbent in the state, the utterly worthless Brandon Vick, by something over 63%, earning the sobriquet "Mr. 36%"

With the leftist vote, and a smattering of GOP'ers who don't know who Marc has become, he may survive to the general election.  But his dogged support of the CRC/light rail scam, his dogged opposition to advisory votes, his multiple tax increases and his arrogance concerning the will of those he would govern likely would do him in... easily.

Here, for example, is an example of the "conservative Republican" Boldt shilling for an unneeded, lied about tax increase in 2011 and how, rhetorically, it would save the world.

Credit Lew Waters

Meanwhile, it appears the local left is staying out of it.  They can't even find any first tier candidates to run for District 2 of the county council, let alone run county wide.

And how embarrassing is that?

1 comment:

  1. If it comes down to a choice between Mielke & Madore, I will vote for Mielke.

    At least he's honest and doesn't steal from others.


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