Friday, April 24, 2015

Gateway Pundit/Conservative Review: Top 7 RINO moments of the Week

Have I mentioned how much I loathe the RINO scams?  The, "we have to vote for these scum because they've got an 'R' after their name" crap the so-called "moderates" keep scamming us with?

During the run up to the last cycle, I postulated that it would make no real difference if the GOP took over control of the US Senate, much like it's made no real difference that the GOP took over the State Senate.

I was right.

Just this past 7 days, here are the top 7 RINO moments of the US Senate... a pattern of sickening betrayal of the American people generally and the grass root supporters particularly.

Here Are the TOP SEVEN RINO MOMENTS of the Week

Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, April 24, 2015, 10:27 AM
rino gop
Top 7 Rino Moments of the Week
The Conservative Review released this list of the Top Seven RINO moments of the Week–Including this tidbit – Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell personally whipped for Loretta Lynch.

This was one of those weeks when those who voted for Republicans last fall are left scratching their heads, wondering if they are reliving the closing paragraph of George Orwell’s Animal Farm.  “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and form pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”  In this case, we would just swap out man and pig for elephant and donkey.

1)    Lobbied and Voted for Obama’s Lawless Attorney General Nominee. 20 Republicans voted for cloture and helped confirm Loretta Lynch, a supporter of Obama’s lawless amnesty, to the top law enforcement position in the country.   As Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) noted, we can now say that Obama has suffered absolutely no reprisal for an act that even King George could not do. What’s worse, Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) personally whipped for Obama on this vote!

2)    Fought for Amnesty. McConnell and company pressured conservatives to drop amendments to a human trafficking bill.  The Vitter and Sessions amendments would have ended birthright citizenship and closed a loophole for illegal alien human traffickers respectively.  Instead, McConnell allowed a politically-motivated vote on a Democrat amendment pushed by the sexual identity cartel on the left, which would have discriminated against social service groups with religious beliefs.  10 Republicans voted for this amendment.

3)    Didn’t Stand Up for Religious Freedom. Senate GOP leadership and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) are refusing to take up resolutions to disapprove of a pair of anti-religious freedom bigotry bills passed by the local D.C. government.  Republicans have the ability to nullify those laws – one, forcing private employers to cover abortion services and the other forcing private schools to host transgendered and homosexual events – with simple majorities in both houses.  They only have until May 4 to do so, but they are willing to consider every liberal priority under the sun before the deadline except for these resolutions.  Issues pertaining to life, family values, and religious liberty are not welcome in the GOP-controlled Senate.

4)    Pulling the Plug on Disapproving of Abortion-Mandate Bill. House Republicans initially marked up the resolution of disapproval to countermand the abortion-mandate bill of the D.C. City Council.  But yesterday, CR got word that leadership has no interest in bringing the bill to the floor.  In fact, they might pressure the committee chairman not to report the resolution to the floor, thereby preventing rank-and-file members from calling it up on the floor as a privileged motion.

5)    Embraced Obamacare. What better way for Republicans to distinguish themselves from Democrats than by agreeing to eliminate the special health care subsidy given to members of Congress by the Obama administration?  Under the law, members of Congress and their staffs cannot get any subsidies to shield themselves from the cost of the exchanges, yet Obama illegally wrote a rule granting them subsidies in contravention to the statute.  When Sen. Vitter, as Chairman of the Small Business Committee, tried to subpoena the D.C. government in an attempt to ascertain which members of Congress helped secure these subsidies, he was rebuffed by his own members on the committee.  Sens. Rand Paul (R-KY), Deb Fischer (R-NE), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Mike Enzi (R-WY), and Jim Risch (R-ID) joined with Democrats to oppose the subpoena.  They gave every excuse under the sun, but it’s quite evident why they want to keep their subsidies.

6)    Sketchy Accounting. Remember that $141 billion health care bill that passed Congress a few weeks ago?  The one that will blow a $500 billion hole in the budget of 20 years?  Now that Republican House and Senate negotiators are attempting to reconcile their differences over the annual budget blueprint, they have a minor problem.  How do they tell the public they passed a balanced budget if they just enacted a new program costing $141 billion during the budget window?  Well, Sen. Mike Enzi (R-WY) and Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) have the solution.  They just added in spending offsets in the budget to make it balance – except that they declined to specify the origin of those cuts!  Hey, it’s all accounting anyway.

7)    Championed Obamacare Subsidies Through 2017. Speaking of Obamacare, Sen. Ron Johnson is leading a group of 31 Senators sponsoring a bill that will put the Republican stamp of approval on the odious law.  Instead of embracing the potential Supreme Court killing of the Obamacare subsidies and harnessing it as an opportunity to push back against the price-hiking mandates, Johnson has agreed to allow the subsidies to stay through 2017 – without demanding any concessions on mandates!

Read more: 

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