Monday, March 30, 2015

Defining political hatred.

For those of us actually in politics, it's one of the biggest obstacles to progress of any sort.

It's not unlike the inculcation so favored by the Nazis... and the more militant scum operating under the extremist islamic banners.

First, the definition: many people have many ways of looking at it.  But practitioners of political hatred are typically unaware they're practicing the art.

Second, a major perspective of this sort of thing is that you have a side.  And the "side" is held blameless no matter what happens or how.

The OTHER side is, thereto, held responsible for everything and anything that goes wrong, no matter what... no matter how that is or what happened.

For example, leftists spew this kind of utter garbage:
"voter suppression is what's happening in the states with Republican legislatures that have reduced the number of voting days, limited voting to one day during the work week and require specific picture ID that many don't have in order to vote, all in the name of preventing nonexistent voter fraud."
(This kind of partisan hatred is absolutely exposed in the face of headlines such as this one: )

Correspondingly, taking advantage of the illegal alien vote is what's happening in the states with democrat legislatures (What few there are)  that have increased the number of voting days, made voting legal around the clock for weeks and require no ID or proof of citizenship of any kind in order to vote, all in the name of getting the non-citizen vote.

What this fringe-left whack job uttered is a crock.

I, for example, have all the ID I need.  So does every American alive.

Those who don't are, primarily, not those here legally.

I'm not remotely interested in allowing those lacking citizenship or majority the opportunity to pollute our elections.

Were it up to me, I'd cancel every voter registration in the country, require re-registration and require proof of citizenship to register.

I would get rid of mail-only ballots.

I would require proof of identity of everyone voting.

Now, leftists rather stupidly refer to this as "voter suppression."

They lie to themselves and to everyone else by lying about the lack of availability of ID.

They claim that minorities would be "disproportionately" impacted.

That's not only a lie... it's an outright lie.

But the left is stuck in a loop.  They know it's not true... but they simply don't care.

And when you know something like this is not true, and you keep repeating the lie over and over... never once remembering that all of the restrictions apply to everyone equally... and the only people who would have a hard time getting legal ID are those who are, well, illegal?

That's not politics speaking... that's common sense.

But political hatred extends to both sides... not just the left.  It's a product self-delusion and reliance on labels as opposed to actual job performance.

My favorite two local examples are Jaime Herrera and Brandon Vick.

They're both elected.  They both claim to be Republicans.  Neither have accomplished anything in office; one, congresscritter Jaime makes people believe she's opposed to the CRC Scam (which she is not) while the other mailed in his entire first year in office, costing the district I live in 50% of it's representation in the legislature.

I despise them both for being utterly worthless and abysmal failures in office.  And, as I pointed out, they're both GOP.  I, on the other hand, am a former Executive Director of the State GOP, so one would be more likely to think I'd rabidly support ANY moron as long as they have an "R" after their name.

One would be quite wrong, because if this past legislative session has taught me anything, it's taught me that political labels are utterly meaningless.

That idiots like these two are in office makes that a huge reason to blow off the party label altogether... and if it were up to me, I'd make these positions all non-partisan and get rid of party influence altogether.

There are more alleged GOP'ers I wouldn't vote for on a bat.  Marc Boldt, Ann Rivers, Scott Weber (County Clerk) Greg Kimsey (County Auditor who broke the law to campaign for the Charter scam while lying his ass off about it) to name a few.

On the local leftist side in office is Jimmy "Molehill" Moeller.

Few I can think of outside those scum running the democratian have done more harm to our community; lied with greater frequency and caused more divisiveness and hatred than Molehill. He's a democrat, typical of the out-of-touch, downtown mafia variety that doesn't give a rat's ass about the will of the people.  Hell, Molehill has even sued his own constituents.... and yet, they're stupid enough to keep electing him.

He's not the only one on his side of the aisle who could do with an ass-whoopin' using a political wiffle bat.

But I also vote for both sides.

I voted democrat for Prosecutor (Tony Golick) while voting GOP for Liz Pike and refusing to vote at all in the Vick/Mussolini Mikey Briggs race or the Weber/Pauli-Hammond (Isn't it nice that the democrats got rid of the bunch of losers running their political operation.... only to replace them with a bunch of losers that couldn't even beat a liatr like Scott Weber?) race.

I also skipped voting for Congress and county auditor.  And political fist-fights like one I know of going on right now because, horror of horrors, the local GOP apparently didn't invite that empty-suited disgrace of a worthless congresscritter to speak at the next Lincoln Day Dinner... which I never go to anyway... certainly accomplish SOOOOO much.

There's one side that consists of the rather mindless, slavishly devoted old school types who find themselves mortally offended that the cardboard cutout of a fake congresswoman wasn't invited... or wasn't invited to speak.

Well, hell... we may as well invite Michele "Klingon Princess" Obama to beat her gums considering anything that witch has to babble about is in basic lockstep with Ridgefield Barbie.

But the insults are flying around here over the perceived slight that our worthless git of a congresswoman apparently "wasn't invited" to the Lincoln Day Dinner.

Why bother?  All she'd do is babble about her infant child that she uses like a pair of earrings and then lie in her defense of the House GOP Establishment.  That's the only speech this empty suit has permission to give.

Having attended the most recent PCO meeting... which I haven't gone to in years and I can't see myself bothering to do again anytime real soon... I was astounded by the ignorance those slavishly supporting this clueless manikin showed at the proceedings... yet there was quite enough juvenile crap going on from the get go, since few people in attendance have even a remote clue concerning political science and the whole thing appears to be based on personal animus and one upmanship.

I suppose, in the end, it's a microcosm of the professional political hatred expressed in the rank partisanship crippling us from the White House downwards.

A more spontaneous, amateurish version to be sure.

And I use all of this to illustrate that political hatred is typically unthinking, unfeeling, ignorant and insupportable.

Yet, it's what's for dinner at all levels of the political world today.  And it's another element in the equation that has caused me to call it a career when it comes to campaigning.  

Who needs this kind of cancer in their lives?

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