Thursday, January 08, 2015

Parallels between the democratian and the Paris attack yesterday.

I'm sure that many leftists here locally are positively outraged at the title to this post.  But the parallels are obvious and mostly separated by degree.

Lefty Lou has an agenda.  Muslim terrorists have an agenda.

Lefty Lou attacks county government over his agenda.  Muslim terrorists attack local government over their agenda.

Lefty Lou whips up the ignorant and uninformed to do his bidding.  Muslim terrorists whip up the ignorant and uninformed to do their bidding.

Lefty Lou ignores and/or belittles the will of the people as if it doesn't exist.  Muslim terrorists ignore and/or belittle the will of the people as if it doesn't exist

Lefty Lou and his minions attack Christian politicians with a psychotic obsession that points to underlying "issues."  Muslim terrorists attack Christian politicians with a psychotic obsession that points to underlying "issues."

Lefty Lou is only concerned about HIS rights and could care less about ours.  Muslim terrorists are only concerned about THEIR rights and could care less about ours.

Don't misunderstand me, I know chances of that sort of attack are minimal: after all, the only religious persuasion the local Pravda Izvestia attacks are those in the political realm who's lives are guided by Christianity.  Neither the cancer on the community nor any of it's C3G2 acolytes would ever dream of going after muslim extremism the way they've come close to engaging in their psychotic, bigoted hatred of Christians generally and David Madore particularly.

As a result, we have a moron editor reduced to selling cups (And who knew the finances of the daily rag were so bad that Lefty Lou would be reduced to selling cups to stay in business?) who uses his newspaper to bully people he hates while remaining silent in the face of massive government corruption at the federal, state and city levels.... and certainly remains silent in the face of islamic militarism designed, like his own editorial policy, to pressure this country, ultimately, into doing what he, Lefty, wants.

The editor of the local rag acts not unlike the murderers in Paris yesterday.  He just uses words instead of bullets.  But the motives are similar as are the parallels in techniques and the desired outcomes.  What separates Brancaccio from his jihad and the terrorists from theirs is merely a matter of degree.

Like the terrorists, Lefty Lou wants what he wants, when and the way he wants it.

I'm sure he'll feign outrage over this episode; he may even do a column or two about it.

But imagine how much better off this community would be if, in fact, he treated everyone in government EXACTLY the same instead of turning a blind eye when it suits him to help his buddies shaft this community.

That will never happen, of course.  But we can dream, can't we?

Meanwhile, we've been subjected to Lefty's terrorism for years.

The difference?

Only a matter of degree.

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