Monday, January 05, 2015

BOOM: John Boehner's 10 Most Outrageous Votes as Speaker

Yes.  Our worthless congresscritter is going to vote for this clown.

By Logan Albright

Tomorrow, the House of Representatives will convene to elect a Speaker of the House. For the last four years, that Speaker has been John Boehner, a man who has continually thrown conservative Members under the bus in order to protect the interests of the republican establishment.

But this year, a growing number of liberty-minded Republicans are turning against the incumbent Speaker, eager for new leadership that will support a principled agenda.

Here are the top ten votes where Boehner caved to the establishment.

1. Repeal ObamaCareBoehner voted against a full repeal of ObamaCare, the most destructive single law to American liberty in recent memory.

2. Stop IRS Targeting
Boehner voted against a bill to stop the IRS from targeting individuals based on their political beliefs, such as when the agency disproportionately targeted conservative non-profits before the 2012 elections.

3. The Massie Amendment
Boehner opposed an amendment by Rep. Thomas Massie that would have blocked the NSA from collecting Americans’ telephone metadata without a warrant.

4. Delay ObamaCare’s Individual Mandate
Boehner voted against a one-year delay of the ObamaCare individual mandate that is hurting millions of Americans.

5. Raising the Debt Limit
Boehner supported suspending the debt limit until March of 2015, with non accompanying spending reforms.

6. Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care
Boehner voted against a bill that would have blocked the IRS from enforcing or implementing ObamaCare.

7. REINS Act
Boehner voted against the REINS Act, a bill that would have required a vote in Congress for any major new regulation.

8. The CRomnibus
Boehner supported the more than $1 trillion spending bill crafted in secret behind closed doors.

9. Audit the Fed
Boehner vot
ed against
conducting a full audit of the Federal Reserve Bank for the first time in history.

10. Stopping the EPA’s Overreach on Water
Boehner voted against reining in the Environmental Protection Agency over a controversial regulation that would give them unprecedented authority over many types of ground water.

The record is clear. Boehner has failed conservatives again and again. We need a Speaker who will consistently stand up for a principled liberty agenda.

Call your congressman and demand a vote against Boehner tomorrow.

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