Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Vick continues to lie about his committee assignments.

For most of his tenure, Brandon Vick hasn't done spit. 

Nothing.  LESS than nothing, because he's been getting paid for it.

He blew off his entire first year, attempting to change precisely dick, satisfied with every law, every rule, every regulation to the point where he didn't even bother to introduce any legislation for a year.

He has, legislatively, accomplished precisely nothing.  A rock could and would have the same list of accomplishments.

And, he continues to lie about "committee assignments."

The rag went along with the lie, of course, knowing it wasn't true.  But here's the fact of the matter, based not only on my SIX years of experience on legislative staff, but also on what insiders I know up there have kept me informed about.

Vick has 6 assignments to committees only because he begged leadership to temporarily let him have vacancies when they came up... purely and entirely as a political ploy to drown out those of us attempting to hold this clown accountable for wasting our time and effort during his abortive tenure in the House.

There's a reason he keeps lying about the committees, and I KNOW he's lying because it is functionally impossible to be on 6 committees when it matters: during session.

When session actually starts, it won't take him long at all to go back to the normal three... if any of the committees will have him.

Meanwhile, he lies about leadership (He has none and is, in fact, a wallflower back bencher) getting called into negotiations (Only to take coffee orders, because no one else cares what he's got to say) and then the stupidity of this committee garbage.

Relying on a democratian endorsement certainly should be all the indication you need that, as a Republican, Vick is worthless.

The only problem is that Mussolini Mikey Briggs is even worse.

Still, Vick needs to actually get off his ass and worry more about serving us then he does the free lunches he's loved so much as an office perk.

Vick, unfortunately, will win because the GOP could run a brick in the 18th and win.

He's living proof of that.

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