Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Switching support in the Superior Court race.

Up until recently, I have been leaning toward Veljacic in the Superior Court Judges race. 

But with the Columbian's slobbering, non-sensical, hate-conservatives endorsement.... along with the support of a C3G2 hater and fringe-left whackadoo in the comments... that's done.

Frequently, the rag fails to provide any compelling reason to vote for anyone they support.  Their support of a candidate makes my default position to vote for whoever they pass over in their anti-conservative jihad.

This is one of those times.

They offer precisely zero reason to re-elect this young man, who may be very well everything they're saying he is.  And if he is, that does not stand as a reason to elect him: on the contrary, that a clueless idiot like Inslee appointed him stands as a reason, by itself, to vote against him.

Combine that with the rag's description of him as a social worker type:
 For Veljacic, an examination will reveal a jurist whose career is marked by outreach and compassion. Shortly after graduating from law school in the late 1990s, he founded the Union Gospel Mission Legal Services Clinic (now Open Door Legal Services) in Seattle, which assists homeless people in family law, immigration, and debt cases. He has served on the Clark County Diversity Advisory Committee and has been a member of the Washington State Bar Association's Character and Fitness Board. He also serves on the state's Clemency and Parole Board.
I don't want a social worker judge any more than I want a social worker sheriff.

On the other hand, the rag mentions that the local bar has rated Vukanovich as superior in every respect:
Vukanovich's respect among his peers was evident when he was a candidate for the Superior Court position to which Veljacic was appointed. Vukanovich received the highest marks in a poll of bar association members — both overall and in the categories of legal ability, judicial temperament, integrity, and relevant legal experience.
I've met them both. Veljacic is personable and he'd make a great manager of a social service agency.

But that's not I want with a judge.

I want someone who is going to put the bad guys away.  That's why I oppose Shane Gardner:  I am much less concerned about their motives and their upbringing than I am about them going Away for a long, long time or being given the death penalty for committing murder... which all murderers should face as a result of their crimes.

Strike one for Veljacic was that he was appointed by Inslee, hardly a ringing endorsement of either sanity or community... but Inslee's stubborn insistence on ramming loot rail down our throats along with his equally rabid support of the Cowlitz Casino shows that he could care less about us.

Strike two was this idiotic endorsement, which rings through with the theme "he's a leftist and we like him" which isn't nearly enough of a reason to support anyone in the face of the qualifications, experiences and ratings by the local bar.

Strike three:

1 comment:

  1. I'm struck at how he and other Liberals always seem to dance around any question of "are you Liberal?"

    Conservatives come right out and say so, but Liberals seem ashamed to say that they are Liberals.

    Veljacic danced around for maybe 4 minutes or longer when asked.

    Vukanovich came right out and said yes, he was more conservative.


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