Monday, September 22, 2014

The C3G2 haters and the art of the thread jack.

One of the more unsolvable local mysteries is the rank double standard the C3G2 hater's impose on Commissioner David Madore but completely, and hypocritically, do not extend to themselves.

After months of dealing with the C3G2 hater's efforts to take over his own, personally, facebook page, he made the decision to ban members of that hate site since they/are were completely uninterested in anything concerning Madore except his destruction... and they, themselves, had banned Madore from THEIR site months before Madore reciprocated in kind.

To base a website of hatred on a platform of hypocrisy goes to the heart of the matter: Madore has/had PRECISELY as much of a right to ban any C3G2 hater as they had to ban him.

To the best of my knowledge, no one has suggested that, save for the blatant hypocrisy of their lie of a name, this group lacks any right to ban whoever they want for whatever reason they want, real or imagined.

Yet, oddly, those infesting that site can't seem to wrap it around whatever few remaining brain neurons they may have that Commissioner Madore has the exact, same right to ban any or all of them for whatever reason, real or imagined.

This is a group populated primarily with political opponents of Madore, few if any of whom ever voted for him in the first place... and have I mentioned these people are dedicated to Madore's political destruction?

As a group, those furthest out on the fringe-left exhibit the most militant hatred of Madore in thought, word and deed.  As a result, they made every effort to attack Madore on his own private facebook page, claiming, wrongly and stupidly, that since he would use that page to disseminate information from the county, he had no such right.

Well, never let it be said that these fringe-left nutters don't twist reality into their own self-delusion.

On Mr. Madore's facebook page, these haters would routinely make an effort to "flypaper" him out of hatred, pure and simple.

They would make blatantly false statements on his facebook page designed solely to knock him off message and clog his posts with their hate in an effort to, effectively, shut him down.

To his credit, Madore tried to engage with there people.  He tried to communicate and explain.

But with hatred as their underpinning and hypocrisy as their filter, there never was any "discussion," per say, since these people would never accept anything Madore wrote in any way.

Their own facebook page, again, from which Madore was banned, has a radioactive glow of hatred and hypocrisy in almost every post.

Here is an example of why Madore is right to ban anyone who is a member of the C3G2 hate group.  It's a classic threadjack of the old school soviet style the haters at C3G2 so prefer.

Note that, of course, Commissioner Madore's decision to ban the haters from his page in no way stops any of the haters from using any other way to communicate they may choose: email, text, snail mail, tweet... you name it.  But in their twisted hatred, these clowns are acting as if fac ebook were the ONLY way to communicate with Mr. Madore.

It isn't.

And here's an example:

This is a facebook post from Rep. Liz Pike in support of Peter Van Nortwick, county assessor.  Practically the second David Madore posts, the threadjack begins.  For the fringe-leftists, this is a two-fer: it knocks the mesasage of support for Van Nortwick by Rep. Pike off the page, so to speak, while being used as an opportunity to trash Madore... again.  It's long, but the pattern is self-evident.

The posts run the gamut from stupid: "Why did he rip off a slogan that is so commonly used among Seahawks fans and is only referring to their head coach Pete Carroll?"  (Who knows?  Why are you asking that question here?  Why don't you pick up a phone and ask him... or post on HIS facebook page and ask him there?) to the all-too-typical hatred of the fringe-left nutter: "If you can't answer any tough questions, censor the questions, or run away. You just proved my point, Mr. Madore." (File that under: you can never successfully answetr a hater's question since they're not looking for an answer: no matter what answer you giove them, it won't be good enough... so don't answer them at all, given the waste of time they represent.)
    Liz Pike September 17 ·

    Here's why I'm supporting Peter Van Nortwick for re-election as our County Assessor and why I'm hosting a fundraiser for him at my farm this evening. I hope you can join us. It begins at 5pm at Shangri-La Farm in Camas, 26300 NE Third Street. We have lots of parking at the farm. Look for all the campaign signs out front.

    Pike Supports VanNortwork:

    As the only stated Republican in the race, Assessor Pete has reduced staffing 15% and reduced spending 21% in the Assessor's office from 2009 to 2013, (during his term of office).

    Assessor Pete got the Assessor's office back on time and outside organizations have held it up as a model of government efficiency!

    Assessor Pete is endorsed by fellow elected Republicans including Greg Kimsey, Scott Weber, David Madore, Tom Mielke, Don Benton, Paul Harris, Brandon Vick, legislative candidate Lynda Wilson, GOP Chairman Kenny Smith and me, State Rep. Liz Pike!

    Assessor Pete walks the talk. During the Governor and Presidential races of 2012, he was out actively working for Republicans and he's also an elected Republican PCO. Voters should reward a job well done with re-election. While I have nothing against his upstanding civic-minded opponent who I support 100% as a Ridgefield City Council member, there is no compelling reason to remove Assessor Pete! See More

    — with Peter Van Nortwick.

David Madore, Anna Miller, Scott Weber and 15 others like this.


Mike Bourcier Why did he rip off a slogan that is so commonly used among Seahawks fans and is only referring to their head coach Pete Carroll?

September 17 at 10:30am • Like

Brian Siedelman if the seahawks are using it, it must be a good slogan to use

September 17 at 4:09pm • Like

Peter Van Nortwick Mike, the Seahawks slogan is Bigger, Faster, Stronger, Louder.

September 17 at 11:13pm • Like

Randy Williams Your assuming people vote for other Seahawk fans, that's stupid, it's all about freedom! If you want to win elections, show your support for the Bill of Rights and explain why the Bill of Rights is so important for our freedom. In Kitsap county, a man won the election just by saying that he believes in the second amendment, everyone loves freedom.

September 19 at 11:28am • Like

Randy Williams And right now the Democratic party is stacked with Marxist believing Democrats.

September 19 at 11:31am • Like

David Madore Randy Williams, the invite was for a local fundraiser at Liz Pike's place. It was a fun casual event with Liz's amazing hospitality. Don't make too much of the invite. Peter has proven himself well able to run that department in ways that really are better smarter most cost effective. I guess those are my terms for his performance.

September 19 at 12:46pm • Like • 3

Randy Williams So your saying you don't care about the Bill of Rights and the founding principles that gave us the freedoms the founding fathers gave us with the Bill of Rights?

September 19 at 3:17pm • Like • 1

David Madore Randy Williams, quite the opposite. The Bill of Rights protects each citizen from the abuses of government.

September 19 at 10:00pm • Like • 1

Randy Williams I'm sure Peter is doing a good but my point is, with all the liberal lies and deception, there's one thing that people want to see in a candidate, they want someone they can trust to protect their rights and freedom. You can't find that in a liberal Democrat.

September 19 at 10:54pm • Like

Randy Williams All the liberals want is to tax and over tax so they can grow the government and fill their pockets.

September 19 at 10:57pm • Like

Terry Whipps Conner Mr. Williams, you seem to have hijacked this post &amp certainly do not speak for me (a fellow Republican), sir.

Voting for you again, Peter Van Nortwick :)

September 20 at 10:59am • Like • 3

Randy Williams Terry I have know idea what your talking about, I got a notification saying vote no on Charters. The only charters I know of is charter schools, so I ask, and and got an answer. When I got the answer I thought it must be about the Democrats trying rig the election to win the vote, so I made the comment, that if Republicans would show their support for freedom and the Bill of Rights they probably would have more support. I was not saying Republican didn't support the Bill of Rights, l was saying that maybe they need to express it more and that's all. But after that I was rudely attacked by, being accused of hijacking something. So I don't know what's wrong with everyone but I thought we were on the same side I guess I was wrong.

September 20 at 1:43pm • Like

Randy Williams Comment on thst!

September 20 at 1:44pm • Like

Randy Williams That

September 20 at 1:45pm • Like

David Madore Randy Williams, many citizens are as unaware as you were of the push by those that would erode the power of Clark County citizens by abolishing our citizen-centric county government and replacing it with a bureaucracy-centric system that minimizes the role of elected representatives.

Peter Van Nortwick also opposes the Charter because he too sees the danger of building a wall of separation between elected citizen representatives and the government that is supposed to serve the people.

September 20 at 2:04pm • Edited • Like • 2

Terry Whipps Conner Oh, brother. Randy, the initial post was relating to Liz Pike's support of Peter Van Nortwick. Where you picked up my association with pro-Charter most likely came from my page, I'm guessing? I hope so! Anyway, as an obviously intelligent man, with passion for community betterment, take a look at the full charter. Look at both websites. Ask me, or anyone involved in the yes or no campaign, any questions you might have. Unlike Commissioner Madore, I won't delete your comments or ban you for disagreeing with me. No matter what, it's obvious you'll make wise choices. You certainly don't need anyone to influence you, as Commissioner Madore is attempting to do. He's trying the fear tactic, which is silly. Feel free to message me for information, Randy, and/or links to CharterYES.

BTW, sorry to have caused you to feel I misunderstood your intention. I gotcha now.

September 20 at 2:20pm • Like • 3

David Madore Terry Whipps Conner, as well documented on my September 16 and September 12 posts at, members of hate groups including C3G2, have a Constitutional right to post their malicious character attacks on their sites, but they are not welcome to post on other citizens' Facebook pages against the will of the owners.

The nonsense of being banned for expressing dissent is as fallacious as a bully being sent home from school for attacking a fellow student and then claiming that they were only respectfully expressing dissent. It is nonsense.

Compelling arguments that focus on issues and solutions are not only welcome, they are essential. But bullying and hatred are not helpful expressions of dissent.

September 20 at 2:47pm • Edited • Like • 2

Terry Whipps Conner You have a skewed idea of a hate group, Commissioner. C3G2 is the farthest thing from that, and doesn't, in anyway, fit the criteria of a hate group.

You banned me in June, for asking where Betty Sue Morris' posts went, Commissioner. Is that bullying or hateful?

Using fear tactics or colored truths to "win" a point is exactly backwards. You are an extremely intelligent, skilled communicator, sir. Please open your mind more to other intelligent, reasonable communicators. And for heaven's sake, stop with the scare tactics. You insult the sharp folks who perhaps just need informational direction, and belittle yourself in the process.

September 20 at 2:50pm • Like • 5

Jeff Guard Mr. Madore: looking for ward to your reply to Terry. I value skewed twisted spin doctoring and you are the Master!

September 20 at 2:53pm • Like • 3

David Madore Terry Whipps Conner &amp Jeff Guard, the malicious purpose of the C3G2 site is documented in the June 30 comments by the C3G2 founder and administrator on my June 27 Public post. It speaks for itself.

Candy coating toxin and hatred is necessary to mask the corruption. Hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan seed their public expressions with niceness and respectability and then claim that they were banned after posting a wholesome comment. To make eating out of a dumpster more inviting, be sure to include some candy.

September 20 at 3:08pm • Edited • Like • 2

Terry Whipps Conner Oh, brother. Jeff Guard, would you like to come to my "tin foil hat designing 101" party?

September 20 at 3:10pm • Like • 1

David Madore Terry Whipps Conner and Jeff Guard are now blocked from posting ill-will on my family Facebook page as members of the C3G2 hate group. Civil comments focusing on issues and solutions are welcome.

September 20 at 3:29pm • Edited • Like • 2

Terry Whipps Conner Might I direct you, Commissioner, to your very own post, dated 9/16/14. In which you infringed on the C3G2 logo copyright, and bastardized the graphic to include the words "HATE SITE" below our logo.
 Terry Whipps Conner's photo.

September 20 at 3:16pm • Like • 2

Terry Whipps Conner You know, this one. The one that you paid to sponsor, and accused a professional Engineer @ CTran of working against you.

Terry Whipps Conner's photo.

September 20 at 3:18pm • Like • 3

Randy Williams I can tell a liberal phony Madore, that's what liberals do, when you can't defend your position you start calling people you disagree with, part of a hate group. You can tell a pig by his squeal!

September 20 at 3:30pm • Like

David Madore Randy Williams, a more accurate indicator would be civility focused on issues and solutions that respect diversity in contrast to cliches. The love of good and decency includes the opposition of ill-will and deception.

September 20 at 3:37pm • Edited • Like • 1

Randy Williams Charter means to hire a business to do something like hiring a character bus to take you somewhere. So I guess county charter means to hire a private business to run the county and that's a good thing, private business can do a better job. So I guess Madore has been running the county into the red?

September 20 at 3:39pm • Like • 1

Terry Whipps Conner Randy, I can no longer see any of Commissioner Madore's posts on this thread because he's now blocked me. But, I'd like to say your interpretation of the county charter is outstanding! Passing the charter will mean the 5 elected Councilors will handle the legislative County biz &amp the hired County Manager will handle the Executive County biz. So, yes! Kind of like a business form, CEO (County Mgr) and Board (Councilors).

September 20 at 3:44pm • Like • 2

Terry Whipps Conner Thank you for the conversation, all, I'm going to enjoy the rest of this wonderful day at a friends' get together.

September 20 at 3:45pm • Like • 1

Randy Williams Now I know why I felt like an intruder on this facebook site, they wanted to invite liberals and got people who disagree with them.

September 20 at 3:51pm • Like

David Madore Randy Williams, your dissent is welcome. The comparison to a charter bus does paint a similar picture. If we want to be taken for a ride by the unelected bureaucracy, we should support the charter. It provides for citizens’ freedom to ask for information so we can learn where we are going, the cost of the tickets, and what services they will provide to their passengers.

Wouldn’t it be far better for the people to be self-governing and plan our own future and employ a staff to get us there?

September 20 at 4:01pm • Edited • Like • 1

Randy Williams No, the people need more freedom from big governmrnt. A charter will let the tax payer choose, if they don't like the charter, they can choose a different charter, like choosing a different bus company.

September 20 at 4:06pm • Like • 5

Randy Williams If the elected people don't choose a good charter, they can be replaced!

September 20 at 4:08pm • Like • 1

Randy Williams The people are getting tired of big government running their lives, it's time to bring government back where it belongs, in the hand of the people. The government belongs to the people!

September 20 at 4:12pm • Like • 2

K.j. Hinton Wow, the C3G2 haters are out in full force, reeking with their typical hypocrisy, whining about Commissioner Madore banning their vitriol from his private facebook page... when they banned Commissioner Madore months ago.

One of the reasons I have zero respect or regard for the lowlife infesting that place is that if they believed half the garbage they spout over there, haters like Conner would be fighting to get rid of the ban they placed on Commissioner Madore instead of sniveling about beginning treated by him the exact same way the C3F2 haters treat Madore.

I don't mind the whining so much... that's what hateful punks tend to do.

But the stench of reeking hypocrisy emanating from the hate site makes Camas smell like a rose in comparison.

September 20 at 10:45pm • Edited • Like • 2

David Madore Randy Williams, there is a huge gap between the values that you shared about limited, accountable, affordable government of the people, by the people, for the people and the charter that violates those values. Some of your assumptions are inaccurate. Here are a few specifics:

If the proposed charter passes, the door will be permanently closed to repealing it. That is written into the charter. It is a one way ticket. The charter also prohibits the people from amending the charter for at least five years after adoption. The people will be stuck on a bus without the ability to amend it for at least five years.

The elected people don’t choose the charter. The citizens adopt it or reject it "as is" in a one-time vote this November.

Many people are tired of big government ignoring the will of the people in many areas. The charter would change our present citizen-centric form of county government into an unelected bureaucracy with part time councilmembers like C-Tran. If you like how C-Tran is working, you should love the Charter.

Are you aware of any policy, project, or decision by present Clark County Commissioners that have in any way violated the majority will of the people?

Our present county government keeps the power where it belongs, in the hands of the people. The charter would distance the government from the people by erecting a wall of separation between their elected citizen representatives and the government that is supposed to serve them.

Do you agree that these facts are not consistent with the values that you shared?

September 20 at 9:38pm • Edited • Unlike • 4

Randy Williams Well I hope it passes then freedom will have a chance. The next step is to have charter schools and vouchers to stop big government from brainwashing the people's children

September 20 at 10:02pm • Like

David Madore Randy Williams, something is not adding up. If you hold the values that you previously shared, then logically, you would oppose the charter.

September 20 at 10:23pm • Unlike • 5

Nathan J. Bardue You are being deceitful David Madore. The posts by members of C3G2 have not been on your private family page. You have two pages. One which is indeed your family page which no one touches, and your page which lists your name, mentions community and govt and gives your business, US Digital, as the address. That is straight up deceitful on this thread. And anyone can go look it up. Par for the course for you.

21 hrs • Edited • Like • 6

Nathan J. Bardue I am looking for the comments you referenced on your page Mr. Madore concerning members of C3G2 having s malicious purpose. All I can find are accusations of such, no proof, at all. Please guide me to where the proof is of the above accusations. I would appreciate it as the truth serves us all.

19 hrs • Like • 2

David Madore Nathan, this thread is not on my Public page,. It is on my personal family page. The topic of this post was simply thanking Liz Pike for her hospitality and congratulations to our Peter for a great track record. The C3G2 malice infects what would otherwise be a wholesome conversation. We can do better.

19 hrs • Like • 1

Nathan J. Bardue It seems you delete comments then make false accusations about the deleted comments content.

19 hrs • Like • 2

Nathan J. Bardue This thread is on Liz Pike's page actually. Are you saying someone posted on your family page and not the page you use for your political activities, with an address and name referencing US Digital? If so that was wrong.

19 hrs • Edited • Like • 1

David Madore Nathan, Liz shared this on my family page. So it appears on both her page and on my family page. It does not matter. Malice is always inappropriate and dialog that focuses on issues and solutions expressed with goodwill and civility is the appropriate way to express dissent.

One example of the malicious purpose of the hate site is provided by one of the C2G2 founders and administrators beginning in the June 30 comments to Robert Dean here: theater

My commitment to support community and oppose the C3G2 malice followed that comment. I stand by that commitment to keep such ill will off from my Facebook pages. We have problems to solve and community goodwill to build.

The people spoke - C-Tran - Let us vote! 54,548 people in a landslide election last November directed their representatives to get authorization from the voters before C-Tran approves any major multi-million dollar High Capacity Transit project for Light Rail or Bus Rapid Transit. 62.8% of the voters county-wide said No to C-Tran spending millions in local taxes without a vote. In addition to Vancouver, every small city confirmed that they want a vote on BRT before C-Tran approves it: Battle Ground: 70.8% to 29.2% Camas: 58.2% to 41.8% La Center: 67.1% to 32.9% Ridgefield: 65.6% to 34.4% Washougal: 65.5% to 34.5% Yacolt: 81.2% to 18.8% C-Tran now wants to spend millions up front and millions more each year in local taxes on a Bus Rapid Transit Project without a vote of the people. The Federal Transit Administration requires the community to support such projects before they approve it. C-Tran is telling the FTA that this project is supported by our community. Let the FTA know that our community voted No on BRT by a large majority multiple times and before they take C-Tran’s word for it when they say that we support it, that you require C-Tran to get your Yes vote first. Let them know that they do not have your authorization to spend millions on this without a yes vote of the people. Shouldn’t C-Tran do what the people directed their representatives to do in our last General Election? Let the people vote on this multi-million dollar BRT project. C-Tran has time to put this on this November’s General Election ballot. Yet C-Tran will likely bypass the voters at their July 8 Board meeting unless you call your City Council and tell them not to get ahead of the voters. If you want a vote before they spend millions of our local taxes on this major BRT project, call and leave a quick message to tell your city council (who represents you on C-Tran), to let the taxpayers of our community vote on this before they approve it. Let them know that elections matter. Call the city hall where you live: Battle Ground: 360-342-5000 Camas: 360-834-6864 La Center: 360-263-2782 Ridgefield: 360-887-3557 Vancouver: 360-487-8629 Washougal: 360-835-8501 Yacolt: 360-686-3922 Clark County (not inside a city): 360-397-2232 The orange in the map are the precincts that approve BRT without a vote. The blue are the precincts that want a vote on BRT first.

David Madore

The people spoke - C-Tran - Let us vote!

54,548 people in a landslide election last November directed their representatives to get authorization from the voters... before C-Tran approves any major multi-million dollar High Capacity Transit project for Light Rail or Bus Rapid Transit.

62.8% of the voters county-wide said No to C-Tran spending millions in local taxes without a vote. In addition to Vancouver, every small city confirmed that they want a vote on BRT before C-Tran approves it:

Battle Ground: 70.8% to 29.2%

Camas: 58.2% to 41.8%

La Center: 67.1% to 32.9%

Ridgefield: 65.6% to 34.4%

Washougal: 65.5% to 34.5%

Yacolt: 81.2% to 18.8%

C-Tran now wants to spend millions up front and millions more each year in local taxes on a Bus Rapid Transit Project without a vote of the people. The Federal Transit Administration requires the community to support such projects before they approve it.

C-Tran is telling the FTA that this project is supported by our community. Let the FTA know that our community voted No on BRT by a large majority multiple times and before they take C-Tran’s word for it when they say that we support it, that you require C-Tran to get your Yes vote first. Let them know that they do not have your authorization to spend millions on this without a yes vote of the people.

Shouldn’t C-Tran do what the people directed their representatives to do in our last General Election? Let the people vote on this multi-million dollar BRT project.

C-Tran has time to put this on this November’s General Election ballot. Yet C-Tran will likely bypass the voters at their July 8 Board meeting unless you call your City Council and tell them not to get ahead of the voters.

If you want a vote before they spend millions of our local taxes on this major BRT project, call and leave a quick message to tell your city council (who represents you on C-Tran), to let the taxpayers of our community vote on this before they approve it. Let them know that elections matter.

Call the city hall where you live:

Battle Ground: 360-342-5000

Camas: 360-834-6864

La Center: 360-263-2782

Ridgefield: 360-887-3557

Vancouver: 360-487-8629

Washougal: 360-835-8501

Yacolt: 360-686-3922

Clark County (not inside a city): 360-397-2232

The orange in the map are the precincts that approve BRT without a vote. The blue are the precincts that want a vote on BRT first.

See More

19 hrs • Edited • Like • 1

Bridget McLeman I agree this is not the place for this conversation but. since I appear to no longer be able to comment on your [public] site, I am curious. I assume I am banned. I only recall posting a comment about a misnamed street on a map of Highway 99 improvements. You agreed it was a mistake and have fixed your post. However my comment has disappeared although your response remains (May 2013). This does not seem hateful, malicious or even critical. Is there any reason for this - I'd love an explanation.

19 hrs • Like • 3

David Madore Bridget McLeman, do not misunderstand. Those that subscribe to hate groups and excuse such malice are not welcome to post on my page regardless of the content.

19 hrs • Like • 1

Nathan J. Bardue I really dont see what's your talking about Mr Madore. I see nothing malicious in the transcribed letter by Robert Dean. Nothing at all. Just an honest opinion. Said directly to someone else, interesting it is typed up by Robert Dean, but that's not really the issue. Nothing is there. Your accusations are false.

19 hrs • Edited • Like • 3

Nathan J. Bardue Not even your constituents can comment, when you are supposed to represent the people of Clark County? While someone from three thousand miles away can? That does not sound like a civil servant you can trust Madore.

19 hrs • Like • 4

David Madore Nathan J. Bardue, your definitions and standard of decency, civility, and good will is very different than mine. You are free to express your feelings elsewhere. But our First Amendment freedom of speech Rights include respecting the rights of every citizen to boycott members of hate groups and the freedom to defend our sites from being invaded by malice or degraded by those that propagate or defend ill will.

We ought to choose community with good will if we are to breathe health into our relationships.

18 hrs • Edited • Unlike • 2

K.j. Hinton And yet, those sniveling about "not being able to comment on commissioner Madore's private page have no trouble banning him from their C3G2 hate site.

Rank hypocrites driven by partisan hatred.

18 hrs • Like • 1

Nathan J. Bardue Nice to interact with you again fellow veteran Kj Hinton. The sniveling comment is childish and stupid. Its not about partisanship. Its about Mr Madores nebulous integrity and character. The hate group accusation is as stupid as it comes Madore. I am sure Mrs Lampi, my high school principal at Portland Christian high school, who knows me pretty well, can speak to my honest character. I believe you know her as well.

18 hrs • Edited • Like • 4

Pat Guard Good lord I need to give my phone a cleansing bath

How about we play nice

17 hrs • Like

K.j. Hinton On the contrary. Your double standard is inexcusable. You demand that which your group will not extend to the target of their hatred.

You might have a case if you hadn't banned commissioner Madore back in june... but to whine because you receive the same treatment?

That makes zero sense and has zero honor.

Those whining about this seem to forget that their are a variety of ways to communicate with your elected officials that do not include Facebook. No one had stopped anyone from using any other way... but the C3G2 thread jack RIGHT HERE is reason enough to be banned. Further, Commissioner Madore is also a veteran. .. and who over there is defending him? And more importantly, who is allowed to?

Partisan hatred runs that place. The hypocrisy of the double standard oils the result.

17 hrs • Like

Jamie Hymas Warren Mr. Madore, you banned me because, after you asked me what my solution would be, instead of a 192nd bridge, I said we should fix the I-5 corridor. There was no name calling, or disrespect on my part. I guess you just didn't like my answer. I challenge you to show me my deleted post, and let others see what I said. I make it a point never to use slurs toward others I disagree with. I may disagree, and debate you, but I don't name call. I find it disheartening that you don't ban others who agree with your ideas, when they use those slurs on us. This is not transparency or true dialogue.

17 hrs • Like • 5

Dylan Normington David - You have asked for public input via your public facebook page. You banned me and hundreds (probably thousands) of citizens that pay your salary from posting on your facebook page. You are a hypocrite - you champion freedom of speech, yet you prevent taxpaying citizens like me from participating in the forum that you said is the one the citizens are SUPPOSED TO USE!!! You are preventing us from doing what you asked us to do. You are a hypocrite.

15 hrs • Like • 5

Dylan Normington KJ Hinton - You are wrong to state that Madore was banned from C3G2. He has never applied for membership and he has never been banned. Stop spreading lies.

15 hrs • Like • 6

Randy Williams All I can say is if you keep bring up hate speech, it tells

15 hrs • Like • 2

Randy Williams Me

15 hrs • Like • 1

Randy Williams You don't have an answer to defend no charter.

15 hrs • Like • 2

Kenny Smith I have heard stories of these stalkers before, but this is my first time seeing these bullies. Educational.

15 hrs • Like • 1

Randy Williams Sorry about my touchy cell phone.

15 hrs • Like

Randy Williams See, there you go again name calling

15 hrs • Like • 3

Randy Williams It's all about government bureaucrats wanting to keep their jobs but, you guys need to be honest and stop calling everything you disagree with " hate speech. "

15 hrs • Like • 4

Jamie Hymas Warren Kenny Smith, I am respectfully writing on a public servant's facebook page. I am no stalker. When people are banned, or not welcome to discuss issues on public sites, it is called censorship. My statement and questions are not disrespectful or hateful. Mr. Madore has not answered my question now, nor did he give me respect or transparency when he banned my for disagreeing with him. So, please, try to discuss issues, and quit with the slurs.

14 hrs • Like • 6

David Madore Jamie Hymas Warren, it appears that C3G2 members are speaking without listening. So I repeat here what was posted earlier. Those that subscribe to hate groups and excuse such malice are not welcome to post on my page regardless of the content. Live and let live. Respect private property. Respect the freedom of others to stay positive and wholesome.

Want to be my welcome guest? Don’t subscribe to hate, ill will, or malice. Choose good will and focus on issues and solutions with decency, civility, and respect. Our community will be healthier and more united.

13 hrs • Edited • Like

Jamie Hymas Warren Mr. Madore, it appears that you are not listening to me. I asked what comment I made on your facebook page that was so disrespectful that you banned me. You hadn't banned the C3G2 members yet, so...what WAS the reason, except maybe disagreeing with you? I think banning people that disagree, even when they are civil, is malicious and hateful.

13 hrs • Like • 5

Dylan Normington David you banned me months ago, way before you banned people associated with G3C2. So what gives? Please explain to Jaime and I why you censored us.

13 hrs • Like • 5

Peter Van Nortwick I love my Facebook friends. You all keep it interesting. Go Hawks.

12 hrs • Like • 2

Roy Valo I was banned for pointing out when David Madore was being inaccurate (in a civil manner) before C3G2 even existed. I can't believe we have such a childish individual as a County Commissioner.

But 2016 will be here sooner than you think. You won't even be able to buy your seat this time. ...See More

12 hrs • Edited • Like • 5

David Madore This thread confirms the good sense of upholding minimum standards of civility and decency and the necessity to reject such negativity. I am thankful for the opportunity to solve problems and to help make our community a better, healthier, more positiv...See More

12 hrs • Edited • Like

Jamie Hymas Warren If you can't answer any tough questions, censor the questions, or run away. You just proved my point, Mr. Madore.

12 hrs • Like • 6

K.j. Hinton
@Dylan Normington, I, of course, am not lying: long before there was a REQUIREMENT to "apply for membership" (Though one wonders why one has to "apply" to be a part of this group given the lie of a name and all,) Madore, myself and Waters were, in fact, banned.

Many there never "applied": they were grandfathered when the silencing order, the control order came down.

You really need to read the meeting notes more closely: From the June 14th Meeting

"Reminder that Madore, Kelly Hinton, Lew Waters and others read the C3G2 page –everything is public. We do restrict who can post to keep things sane (only C3G2 members can post membership requests are screened)."

Screened? Screened for what?

Screened for opposing viewpoints. Screened for anything positive to say about Madore. Screened for those who don't share in the neo-communist group think.

Now, I really don't care that you don't see this as being banned. But the rest of the world does.

So, when it comes to "lying?"

Perhaps you should take your own advice? Self delusion of the C3G2 hater notwithstanding?

As you can see, it didn't take the haters long to take over this thread and turn it into a hatefest that had nothing to do with the post itself.

With the haters, it's not about "good governance."  It's about lies, distortions, and attacks.

And man, do they hate when I call them out, or what?

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