Friday, September 05, 2014

Stunning. I agree with Geraldo?!?!?!?!?!

"You want a signal, Mr. President?

Rehire Stanley McChrystal, who was fired because of the treachery of a reporter; put him in charge of the Kurdish fighting force, the Peshmerga (Kurdish military apparatus); nobody knows the ground of northern Iraq better than David Petraeus; he had an affair with this reporter; he knows EVERY corner, EVERY neighborhood , every tribal chief in northern Iraq."

Ogolfa won't do that, of course.  But that would be a start.

End the military draw down.

Dust off the plans for a draft, including women.

Start a military build up... because if Iraq has taught us anything, it's taught us that politics, like nature, abhors a vacuum... and as I suspected, we are not going to like who fills it if it isn't us.

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