Tuesday, September 30, 2014

So.... how's those "No boots on the ground" thingies working out for us?

From the psychotic liar who brought us Obamacare ("If you like your plan, you can keep your plan!") here's the latest on those "not-boots on the ground" in Iraq.

2100 pairs of boots not on the ground in Iraq 
| September 30, 2014 | 7 Comments Share this:
last convoy out of Iraq
SSG E sends a link to Defense News which reports that 2100 Marines will be positioned in Kuwait as the Quick Reaction Force for Iraq operations; 
Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force (SPMAGTF) Central Command will be equipped to perform noncombat evacuation, humanitarian assistance, infrastructure support, tactical aircraft recovery, fixed-site security and theater sustainment missions, said Brig. Gen. John Love, assistant deputy commandant for plans, policies and operations.  
Plans to deploy the unit predate the conflict in Iraq and Syria with the Islamic State. Love, who spoke Sept. 25 at the Modern Day Marine expo, made no reference to the militant Islamic group or where the unit would be deployed, and a Marine Corps spokesman would say only that the Marines would be based in multiple locations. 
Evacuations and aircraft/pilot recoveries are “noncombat” operations until they aren’t. I lost count, but I think this doubles the number of troops now involved in operations in Iraq. It’s good planning to have that large QRF ready outside of Iraq, but it’s unfortunate that the White House was unable to be honest with the American people from the beginning regarding how many troops will be involved in this mission.
I've never been one to abide liars.

Even with this, the slimeball in the White House is playing politics: instead of announcing it loudly and widely, it gets put out in dribs and drabs... like he's ashamed of it.

And in all likelihood, it's because he is.

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