Friday, September 26, 2014

Nailing the charter gerrymandering effort: a CTran taxing district redux!

Those supporting the charter scam generally, and Betty Sue specifically, are trying to lube us up for the charter by lying about the districts.

During the Battle Ground Bruhaha, Betty Sue said this:
“Also, on your chair, you have the maps… Here’s a district map. Now I’d like you to look for just a minute, at the red numbers.  These districts are drawn by the County’s mapping department, and they are drawn according to the statutory requirement that all districts have the same number of people.
So, we're told that there's a "statutory requirement" that all districts have the same number of people.

OK.  Got it.

THEN we're told:
“But if you look at the red numbers, they are the number of registered voters… And registered voters are the ones who do elections and make a difference so in the two districts outside the city of Vancouver, there are 17,000 more registered voters.
They gerrymandered these districts deliberately because they don't want those 17,000 voters voting for conservatives in the other 2 districts.

There could be 17 MILLION more voters in the rural seat and that would make no difference.

This isn't even a bone for a dog.


This is an example of the art of "bright, shiny object" politics.  in fact, the ENTIRE point of keeping these 17,000 votes out of these district is ENTIRELY to make it MORE likely that they'll be controlled by leftists, since in their minds, these 17,000 votes have a far greater likelihood of voting for conservatives.

It's the same kind of gerrymandering these clowns did on the CTrans taxing district: a deliberate exclusion of tens of thousands of rural votes from voting... but not from paying the taxes these clowns ram down our throats.

And do not be fooled: this isn't ANYTHING about "shifting the political center": it's about keeping conservative voters out of the Vancouver districts... just like gerrymandering the CTran taxing district was about keeping conservative voters from weighing in on taxes.

The whole thing is one big lie.

An utter, complete, lie.

Remember back in the bad ol' days when this county voted down the 2004 CTran tax scam, and their response was to set up a tax district to exclude tens of thousands of us from voting on these questions... but not excluding us from paying the taxes they rammed down our throats? 
“So the political center of gravity shifts to the north. It shifts to the small cities, it shifts to the people in the suburbs and it shifts to the rural landowners. And it’s about time, for my perspective, that the rural landowners have their own representative.
When CTran scammed their tax district, they literally pulled out a precinct map and excised the "no" precincts out with an x-acto knife to draw the boundaries... some of which are literally one street wide, so they could chop the vast majority of the precincts in this county which had voted "no" on the CTrans tax issue... to dramatically increase the likelihood of it's passage.

This is them... doing that.  And they're doing that to reduce the impact of rural voters in this county, to reduce our say, but not out burden.

And do not be fooled: this isn't ANYTHING about "shifting the political center": it's about keeping conservative voters out of the Vancouver districts... just like gerrymandering the CTran taxing district was about keeping conservative voters from weighing in on taxes.

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