Tuesday, September 09, 2014

How bad is it for Bully Winningham? THIS bad:

Bully, of course, got her clock cleaned in the primary: over 57% of the people in the 18th reject her essentially pathological lie of a campaign.

Well, money has always been a big problem for Bully: owned by the usual fringe-left suspects, cluelessly failing to answer questions from prospective constituents when those questions make her uncomfortable... lying about the mundane and failing to grasp the complexities of the 1-8.

I had an idea she was broke: her PDC's are, in fact, a disaster.

In the last 40 days, Bully has scammed 15 donations from people for a total of $830. Total.  Over 40 days.  (Back to August 1st.) Many, the usual leftist sources who don't want Bully to look any worse that she already does... "No Choice" Royce, BS Morris, Linda McClain (Making bank keeping the books for leftist candidates for years, now.)

Now Bully is not only broke, she's in debt.

She's raised $25,390... but she's SPENT $27,247.  So this looks like another one of her lame efforts to take care of campaign debt... but certainly not to raise any serious money.  Looks like the end is nigh, eh, Bully?

Elect Maureen Winningham

Elect Maureen Winningham

Hi Joe -

I need your help!  Like many men, I usually struggle with what I should get my incredible wife, Maureen Winningham, for her September 8th birthday.  This year, I made a list of things: 
  • Massage?  She needs it with all the walking and door belling but try to get her to stop until after theNovember[sic] 4th General Election!  Good luck.  Next.
  • Clothes?  She is living in suits these days with all the public appearances.  Next.
  • Candy?  This would be a hit and then after it disappeared, I would get blamed for buying her the chocolate to begin with!
Then I had it!  I am writing to ask you to DONATE a dollar for every year she is celebrating.  She is turning 48 year-old, so show her your support by DONATING $48 today. I will tell her on Monday why she has had so many DONATIONS over the weekend - every $48 will be another "Happy Birthday" to her!


Johnny Winningham (Maureen's husband)
P.S.  Oh yeah, please don't tell her you know how old she is.  And if you do, don't tell her I told you!

P.P.S.  If you DONATE $48 today, I will personally email you my southern Mama's Chocolate Cake recipe.  It is Maureen's favorite.

Elect Maureen Winningham · United States
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Created with NationBuilder, the essential toolkit for leaders.

I've got to give ol' Johnny Boy props: he's making it clear that these political donations will be illegally used for personal purposes.  If only Bully were this honest.

The LAST guy who needs it to fall for the cake/donation scam was that self-same Pollard, still stinging from getting his political head handed to him in a basket over the CRC Scam.

And this part?
Then I had it!  I am writing to ask you to DONATE a dollar for every year she is celebrating.  She is turning 48 year-old, so show her your support by DONATING $48 today. I will tell her on Monday why she has had so many DONATIONS over the weekend - every $48 will be another "Happy Birthday" to her!
"So many DONATIONS?"


THREE is "so many?"  At this point,  ol' Johnny would be better off if he kept his mouth shut.  After this whiny effort went out, to only get THREE donations?

I'd be on suicide watch if it were me.

I admit it: it's just sad that Bully can't afford clothes, given her high-powered executive position in a company that outsources 50,000 jobs or so overseas. You'd think they'd pay her better.

Having seen Bully, I'm pretty sure that "candy" is the LAST thing she needs.

And, of course, as of this writing, the $144 she's raised?

As an indicator of the lack of response to this rip off, it's just pathetic, mirroring her chances of winning.

Not to be outdone, however, I have several suggestions as to what you can get her as gifts:

1.  A personality.

This slithering thing has so gotten old.

2.  Veracity.

She has lied more often, more loudly, over more innocuous crap ("No traffic lights in Bangalore?"  Seriously?) than any other candidate I've ever seen here locally.

3.  A clue.

She's campaigning like her district were either in downtown Moscow, Russia or downtown the Vancouver Soviet.  She keeps running the same old leftist talking points, the same old strident way.

4.  A Lifestyle Lift gym membership.

Speaks for itself.

Yes, it's been a terrible campaign for Bully.  And now, she's paying even MORE money to Heather Stuart... and Heather is going to have some explaining to do after Bully gets her political ass kicked.

All and all, a sad effort.  And getting sadder by the minute.

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