Thursday, September 04, 2014

Democratian's revisionist history on pot.

Clearly, whoever wrote yesterday's idiocy on pot had imbibed too much of the product before they hit "print."

Among other idiocy they wrote in yesterday's snivelfest over the Fife decision was the absurdity and hypocrisy over the statewide vote on the issue.

Yes, the I-502 passed statewide,

But since when has this despicable waste of wood pulp ever given a damn over the will of the people when that will runs contrary to their agenda?

What difference has the will of the people made to these scum when it comes to the CRC Scam, or loot rail or advisory votes?

None.  Odd, that.  They make a big deal out of this vote because it suits them, but attack, belittle, insult and trash those of us here locally who demanded a vote on the CRC/Loot Rail scam, literally for years.

And when we finally DID get a vote, what did these scum advise us to do on the advisory votes?

And what about the advisory vote on the BRT rip off?  Where's their outrage over the CTran board ignoring THAT vote?

Rank hypocrisy, partisan hatred and personal obsession make this rag the laughing stock.

The revisionist history?
The Columbian editorially supported the passage of I-502 in 2012, arguing that the United States' prohibition on the drug has been a long-term waste of time, money and law-enforcement resources. Those arguments still hold sway, but local jurisdictions are perfectly within their rights to prevent marijuana-related businesses. About 56 percent of Washington voters agreed with legalization, but in Clark County 50.3 percent of voters cast ballots against I-502. That is a slim margin, but it lends weight to officials' decisions to place a moratorium on such businesses.
They left this part out.  A deliberate oversight?
The Columbian endorses Initiative 502 for many reasons, not the least of which is financial. I-502 offers Washingtonians the chance to radically change how we react to marijuana, from wasting $211 million over the past decade enforcing marijuana laws, to creating a revenue stream of more than $500 million annually via a 25 percent excise tax (plus other taxes) on legal marijuana sales.
So, in yesterday's editorial, the claim they:
"... editorially supported the passage of I-502 in 2012, arguing that the United States' prohibition on the drug has been a long-term waste of time, money and law-enforcement resources."
Yet, in the actual editorial, what did they mention before they even talked about enforcement?

Money.  And anyone who's brain hadn't been turned into mush at the time knew that both the pro-I-502 campaign AND the democratian were lying through their tooth when they babbled about this budgetary cure all.

And now?

This cancer on our community doesn't even bother to mention it.

So, in the endorsement of the initiative, they jabbered, rather nonsensically, that the state would make bank off the revenue.

Now, of course, they know better, so oddly, that doesn't get mentioned THIS time around.

Why not?

Leaving it out THIS time doesn't mean you didn't mention it as a justification LAST time.

Now... why is that?


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