Saturday, August 09, 2014

Today's democratian hypocrisy.

Never missing the opportunity to take a shot at the conservative commissioners on the board, the rag spewed this today:
Jeers: Stories about Vancouver residents being ticketed for setting off fireworks around the Fourth of July generate plenty of Bronx cheers. A total of 46 residents face a fine of $250 for violating the city's new fireworks law, which limited the use of explosives to only the actual holiday.
One reason for confusion regarding the law was a failure of the Clark County commissioners to adopt similar restrictions — ignoring the will of the people as expressed in an advisory vote on last November's ballot. That left city residents and those in unincorporated parts of the county to be governed by different sets of rules. But jeers also go to those who do not know whether or not they live within the city limits. We hope the city and the county can find some middle ground on fireworks regulations to make them easier for residents to comprehend. At the same time, we urge residents to consult a map of the Vancouver city limits.
It's difficult to deal with so much stupidity in so few lines, but I'll give it a shot.

The stupidity was in Vancouver making an idiotic ordinance.  Additional stupidity is on the part of whoever wrote this inferring that the reach of Vancouver's ordinances extends to unincorporated Clark County.

But the utter, rank, stinking hypocrisy took place when the moron who wrote this babbled thus:
One reason for confusion regarding the law was a failure of the Clark County commissioners to adopt similar restrictions — ignoring the will of the people as expressed in an advisory vote on last November's ballot.
"Ignorance of the law" not being an excuse notwithstanding, I'm touched by the rag's sudden, mysterious concern about "the will of the people" on the FIREWORKS issue while for a decade, they ignored that same will on the horrific, unwanted and unaffordable rip off of the CRC Scam.

So, the "will of the people" is something to worry about when it comes to something as unimportant as fireworks, but it's something to not only be denigrated but ignored when it comes to the will of those same people on the CRC Scam and the BRT Rip Off?

God save us from the hypocrisy and the situational ethics of this cursed rag.

And is this where I point out that no one living in the "unincorporated parts of the county" are subject to Vancouver's ordinance?

What does the moron who wrote this think "unincorporated parts of the county" mean, anyway?

Jeers to the blithering idiot who wrote this garbage, all too typical of the Lazy C's jihad against David Madore. 

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