Monday, August 11, 2014

The complete idiocy of the democratian's moronic "Leniency vs. Clemency" editorial

Because it serves the left's interests, the rag keeps telling us that the State Supreme Court can force the legislature to legislate.

They can't, of course, any more than the legislature can require the court to rule in a certain way.

If I were a legislator, I would not only tell the Supreme Court to get stuffed, I'd vote "no" on any funding for schools until or unless those clowns back off this idiocy.

So, when the rag stupidly writes:
Which brings us to next month's opportunity for lawmakers to provide a mea culpa before the court. While forcing lawmakers to spend a night in jail for contempt might be tempting for the justices, we urge them to acquiesce to the statesmanship requested by the former governors. As The Seattle Times wrote editorially, "That would make for high drama in a law-school course, but the ex-governors rightly hope to avoid it for the sake of coherent governance."
Pure garbage.

The court cannot "force the lawmakers to spend a night in jail..." or a minute, for that matter.
ARTICLE II, SECTION 16 PRIVILEGES FROM ARREST. Members of the legislature shall be privileged from arrest in all cases except treason, felony and breach of the peace; they shall not be subject to any civil process during the session of the legislature, nor for fifteen days next before the commencement of each session.
How are they locked up without being arrested?  They're not.  And the same state constitution that's a basis for this idiocy prohibits legislators from being arrested.

I completely disagree with the governors and the rag on this issue.  With the GOP continuing to maintain control of the Senate, there's essentially zero likelihood that the people of this state will be looking at the massive tax increases the neo-communuist left demand.

In the best of all worlds, the Senate would start by passing a bill to defund the Supreme Court... you know, just to get their attention.

Because here's the thing: the Supreme Court can decide the constitutionality of legislation.  But it cannot force legislation or taxation and it cannot act against the legislature.

No matter how much the local rag, which has been wrong about so much in the past, hopes they can.

And ending it with this idiocy:
To this point, lawmakers have fallen short of their duty — which, again, is mandated by the state Constitution and has been defined by dollar amounts set by the Legislature. To be sure, it is a difficult task, as the Legislature must balance school funding with finding ways to increase revenue and/or making cuts to other programs, but state law and the court leave no wiggle room. Many a lawmaker has repeated the empty mantra of "fund education first" without specifying areas in which cuts can be made, and many a lawmaker has recommended that money can be found by essentially looking under the couch cushions.
Those ideas are long on rhetoric and short on effectiveness. But, for now, the ex-governors are right to call for leniency on behalf of lawmakers — so long as leniency is not confused with clemency.
Shows even more ignorance, since the "fund education first" mantra is anything BUT "empty."

Fund education first and the cuts are obvious.  EVERYTHING else that can be cut (Not everything can be) will be cut.

Cut pay and benefits for state employees, particularly upper level management and elected officials.

Cut pay and benefits for teachers.

Cut the capitol budget.

Cut welfare.  Cut unemployment.  Cut ESL.  Cut higher ed.  Eliminate the Boeing loopholes.

These cuts are available and obvious.  Calling them an "empty mantra" is pie-in-the-sky bullshit to support the rag's mantra of jacking up taxes in a weak economy... and if that is supposed to happen, then we can start by taxing newspapers at a dollar each.

Just sayin.'

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