Monday, August 25, 2014

Memo for Mike Briggs: This is NOT a "great turnout."

For whatever the reason, Mike Briggs mistook THIS as a "great turnout" for the La Center Parade the other day:

A great turnout for the La Center Our Days Twilight Parade yesterday evening. So many great supporters! My heartfelt thanks to volunteers Juanita Greenway, Chad McVeigh, Mike Turnauer and Chuck Green! We're well on the road to November! — at City of La Center.

That Mikey would delude himself into thinking a few C3G2 haters like Chuck Green equates to a "great turnout" shows him to be almost as unsuitable for office as Lumpy.

Talk about "Conflicted."

Meanwhile, here's a "great turn out" for LaCenter.  Use Rep. Liz Pike as an example.

Photo: Here I am with my faithful parade gang at tonight's LaCenter Twilight Parade celebrating "Our Days!"  What a great event! Thank you to all the great friendly folks in LaCenter. I gave the greatest supporters and team ever!!!

You'll notice that Bully Winningham doesn't have any pictures up from her "effort" at the La Center Parade.

It's just sad that we don't have anyone available for this seat again.  If there was a "none of the above" option on the ballot for this seat, I'd be alllllll over it.

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