Thursday, August 14, 2014

A cautionary tale for the haters behind the Charter push.

First. for those who want to check out those who are trying to buy the Charter election (And what kind of hypocrisy is that?  How long have these same scum been whining about Madore allegedly buying HIS election?) press this link to go directly to the list of those trying to sell out this community.

You'll see the usual leftist sympathizers involved, the politically ignorant and the gullible.  And there's some new people on the list who believe they can control local government by buying this charter effort... much like German industrialists believed they could control Hitler.

Second, there's this story:

Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun money up in smoke as pro-gun sheriff wins in Wisconsin

** FILE ** Milwaukee County, Wis., Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. rides his horse during the Mexican Independence Day Parade in Milwaukee in 2010. (AP Photo/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, John Klein)
** FILE ** Milwaukee County, Wis., Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. rides his horse during the Mexican Independence Day Parade in Milwaukee in 2010. (AP Photo/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, John Klein) more >

A pro-gun incumbent sheriff in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, beat back the anti-gun money of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to win his primary contest for re-election by a handy margin, 52-48 percent.

Sheriff David Clarke, a Democrat, is now almost sure to win in November because no Republican is challenging him, The Washington Post reported.

The race took on national tones just last week when Mr. Bloomberg — who helps head the Mayors Against Illegal Guns group and who has taken up a personal crusade to scale back Second Amendment rights — threw in $150,000 to defeat Sheriff Clarke. That amount was more than what Sheriff Clarke and his opponent, Chris Moews, spent on their entire campaigns, The Post reported.

But Mr. Bloomberg’s efforts to sway voters down the anti-gun path failed.


Sources tell me that those running the Charter scam already know it's going to lose.  And it's going to take those, countywide, who so slavishly put their ideology ahead of the people... The Pridemores, the Winninghams, the Briggs', the Stoniers and the like, with it.

But the irony of this effort to buy an election after these hypocrites sniveled so loudly and for so long about Madore buying HIS election (All the while ignoring the abysmal outcome of Tanner/Mielke, where Tom was outspent roughly 8 to 1) is hard to get past.

Remember:  In an election, message trumps money, particularly when the electorate is furious.  And the electorate in Clark County is boiling.

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