Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Why are pictures provided by Shane Gardner called "file photos" by the Lazy C?

Clark County sheriff’s Sgt. Shane Gardner poses at the National September 11 Memorial
in New York City with the widow of Ramon Suarez, who died in the attacks. Gardner read Suarez’s name at the 9/11 memorial service.(File Photo)

Australian police officers Greg Bishop, from left, and Michael Ackery, and
Clark County sheriff’s Sgt. Shane Gardner traveled to New York City this 
month to pay respects to first responders who died in the Sept. 11 terror attacks. ()

File photos?  Really?  They had these laying around the office on a hard drive?

Bull.  Gardner or someone with him gave these pictures to the Lazy C, and you can point to this disgrace as the start of his campaign.

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