Sunday, June 08, 2014

Who holds government accountable when they lie? Metro (Buses in Seattle.)


Who gets fired over this?  Why is it ALWAYS OK for government to lie at all levels, everywhere?

GOD knows Vancouver and Clark County government lies to us about the CRC Scam.

The state of Washington lied to us about the gas tax vote, promising the moon plus $2 and a project list a mile long to get passed... only to ultimately cut it 50% after the yes vote.

Sound Transit lied to the people in their area to win an election to get their loot rail rip off started, and the Supreme Court said that was just spiffy.

Well, back in the last effort at extortion, they claimed massicve cuts in busses were going to happen if their latest rip off failed at the polls... which is did.

Badly, if memory serves.

It was a crock, of course.  And now they're admitting it.

Originally published Sunday, June 8, 2014 at 6:37 PM

Metro service may not need to be slashed as much as initially expected

Did King County cry wolf to voters with predictions of 16 percent cuts to bus service? The County Council is now considering ways around the deepest cuts.

Seattle Times transportation reporter
Dembowski’s plan
County Councilmember Rod Dembowski’s proposal was endorsed in committee by members Jane Hague, Kathy Lambert and Pete von Reichbauer; voting no were Dave Upthegrove, Joe McDermott and Larry Philips. Dembowski proposes that:
• Fares pay for at least 30 percent of operating costs. (They cover 29 percent now.)
• Metro Transit costs become equal to or below peer agencies in other major cities.
• An independent audit look at operations, financing and reserves.
• Metro proceed with a cut of 161,000 annual service hours in September but avert 389,000 hours of future cuts, pending further attempts to save money.

Some members of the Metropolitan King County Council are getting cold feet about following through on a proposed 16 percent bus-service cut.
Two competing proposals are in play. Each would proceed with the relatively small reductions planned this September and leave open the possibility of averting or softening three more rounds of cuts in 2015.
A vote is scheduled Monday.
The debate comes not quite seven weeks after voters rejected Proposition 1, which would have enacted a $60 car-tab fee and a 0.1 percent sales-tax increase, divided between transit and local streets. For voters, new talk that some of the deepest service cuts might be avoided raises the question of whether the county was crying wolf.
County Councilmember Rod Dembowski says no, that Metro was being candid about its needs, and that an uptick in sales-tax revenues — Metro’s largest source of income — happened after the ballot measure was written.
Late in the campaign, new county sales-tax projections for Metro are up $32 million for 2014 and $31 million for 2015, compared to earlier assumptions. Dembowski is hoping that economic recovery, and attempts to increase fares, would avert the worst of the cuts.
His proposal, which passed in committee 4-3 last week, would enact only the September cuts, look for more savings and defer the February, June and September 2015 rounds.
By November, leaders could make better-informed choices because they’ll have updated tax figures, and perhaps a signed labor-union contract with transit drivers, mechanics and staff, said Dembowski, whose electoral district includes Northeast Seattle, Shoreline and northeast suburbs.

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