Friday, June 27, 2014

Where are the cowards in the House GOP?

Another day.  Another series of disasters.

This morning’s disaster is the ongoing nightmare of what’s happening in our southern border.

Headlines such as these:
Obama working with 'Homeland Security' for executive action on immigration... 
'Not bluffing'... 
REVERSES POLICY: 'Don't Send Your Children Unaccompanied'... 
Feds Look to Ship Influx to NY Facility... 
Abandoned WALMART? 
'The first thing that hits you is the smell'... 
'Your Children Can go to School'... 
'Cheat Sheet' Found... 
NYC sets up 'public defender' office to fight deportations... 
90% of illegals skip court appearances... 
Senators demand Obama 'personally' push back... 
Dems block measure to stop illegals from getting jobs, benefits in USA... 
UPDATE: NY to Issue ID Cards... 
GOP Chairman Blames Obama's Lack of Enforcement for Killing Reform... 
Border agents' new jobs: Food prep, laundry service... 
May build soccer field... 
Group Calls On Americans To Mail 'Gently Used Underwear' To Obama, Boehner... 
First Lady Of Honduras To Tour Immigration Shelters in TX...
Each and every one of these issues represents a violation of federal law.

In each and every day, it becomes clear that the president of the United States is going to ignore the law.

Which leads to the question: where are the cowards in the U.S. House GOP?

Now it’s bad enough that we are forced to have a coward as our representative to that august body.

But our country is surely lost if they all emulate the cardboard cutout, Ridgefield Barbie.

Had roles been reversed, and the president been, say a George Bush, there would be rioting in the streets if he had chosen to violate the law in such a cavalier and disrespectful manner to the Constitution of the United States.

So, where is Speaker Boehner?

Too busy worrying about getting reelected to do the right thing?

Meanwhile, our country continues to spin out of control.  With the most abysmal economic numbers in years?  With the foreign-policy that is a disaster with skyrocketing oil prices and the wasted thousands of young Americans killed and tens of thousands wounded in Iraq?

With the military that’s being gutted and slashed at a time when everybody else’s increasing the size and capabilities of theirs?

Our countries falling apart in front of our eyes and this idiot babbles about nonexistent, the sky is falling, global warming issues?

Where Is the House GOP? Why aren’t they acting? What is the holdup?

I get that there’s some focus in the house on the IRS scandal, which is been dragging on for what seems like years.  And I’m not going to sit here and suggest that the IRS scandal be ignored.  But at the end of the day, of the scandals confronting us, that one is by far the least important.

Meanwhile, we continue to have four dead Americans in Benghazi…  Lying silently…  With accusatory souls…  Demanding justice.

I recognize that all of this comes under the broad heading of politics.  But if we are not possessed within our legislative bodies people capable of doing the heavy lifting… people capable of engaging in doing the right thing at the expense of perhaps, losing… then our end is preordained and we’re on a course towards bankruptcy and towards our destruction because those who govern lack even a neuron of integrity and courage and the guts that at one time made this country great.

Meanwhile, our own Congress critter remains absolutely silent.  Because silence is what she does best.

When, of course, she’s not having her public mouth, blast out press releases. Because certainly press releases actually do govern.


Most of us will wake up again in the morning, read the headlines again, and see the things are not getting better.  They are in fact getting worse, every day, in almost every way.  Just drive by a gas station.  Go try and buy some food.  Take a look at the price of everything skyrocketing, which if memory serves, was exactly this clown’s plan.

It seems to me that a silent GOP going along with this program is a major part of the problem.  

Someone much wiser than I opined: “… if Congress did not want there to be a huge deficit, then there wouldn’t be one.”

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the GOP at the federal level is complicit in this abysmal outcome confronting us.  Part of their complicity, is the fact that they are not doing anything about it.  

And practicing the fine art of bright shiny object politics does not come under the broad heading of “doing anything about it.”

To date, we have been somewhat blessed.  Throughout our history, we’ve always been given that most precious of commodities known as time.  Time to do it over.  Time to rethink.  Time to adjust and time to change course.

It is unrealistic to believe that the luxury of time is something we can just continue to presume will be standing there waiting for us at our beck and call.

Every day our nation becomes further and further at risk.  Every day, the clarion call from a very few goes out to our government crying for their solutions and not their aiding and abetting the enemies of the United States.

Every day the president of the United States violates the laws of this country, and he does so with impunity.  And every day he does that, the House GOP does nothing; since they’re so worried about what it might do to their reelection chances... is another day closer to the cliff.  And ladies and gentlemen, once we start to fall off the cliff, it will be very, very difficult to stop.

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