Tuesday, June 17, 2014

More stupidity by the city council of the Vancouver Soviet: jacking the taxpayers for a 17% raise for the city manager.

It's been said by many that people have the government they deserve.

Well, the majority of the voters of Vancouver have made it clear that they're not the brightest bulbs on the tree when it comes to who they select to run their city government.  And this insult confirms that.

These morons did some bogus comparative analysis, apparently forgetting all about the number one problem the people are facing: the still not-all-that-great economy of their city.

Empty store fronts, Starks furniture closing after a thousand years, depressed housing prices, fees and taxes for everyone but the unfavored few... and now this idiocy:
Vancouver city manager gets 17 percent raise

Vancouver City Manager Eric Holmes, then new at the job, meets with staff in his office at City Hall in November 2010. (/The Columbian) 
By Stephanie Rice, Columbian Vancouver city government reporter
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Vancouver City Manager Eric Holmes received a 17 percent salary increase Monday by unanimous vote of the city council.

Holmes, 44, now earns $199,000 a year, up from $169,659.

The salary adjustment, announced toward the end of Monday evening’s council meeting, was made after the council reviewed what leaders earn at other public agencies.

For example, Holmes, who oversees approximately 950 employees and an operating budget of nearly $350 million, was earning the same as Elson Strahan, president of the non-profit Fort Vancouver National Trust, who oversees 18 employees and a budget of $3.8 million. With the raise, Holmes will still earn significantly less than Wayne Nelson, general manager of Clark Public Utilities.

Nelson, who earns $245,000 a year, oversees 361 employees and an operating budget of $464 million, according to a chart provided by the city.

The salary adjustment puts Holmes ahead of Todd Coleman, executive director of the Port of Vancouver, which has 100 employees and an operating budget of $86 million.

Coleman earns $191,000 a year.

The median salary of city managers at selected smaller cities in Washington — Bothell, Issaquah, Sammamish, Spokane Valley and Kirkland — was $182,004.
And so on.

If the rag is to be believed, Bill Turlay voted for this stupidity.  And that is just sad.

Here's the thing: it doesn't matter what they pay any where else.  This isn't a union.  If this clown doesn't like the pay, he can feel free to leave.
But jacking him up without any justification (And precisely zero was provided before these clowns screwed the people of their poor city) by nailing the taxpayers for another $30,000?
That's insanity.
But then, that's what Tim "The Liar" Leave-it and his merry band do, isn't it?

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