Tuesday, June 03, 2014

More local democrat idiocy.

I get that the dems have to cover for Barnes.  But his kind of crap?

Clark County Democrats 5 hours ago
  1. Ed Barnes is our newest County Commissioner. Looks like we fooled them by making him our 3rd pick. We got the most agitating guy on the board in a seat of power. Go get them, Ed!
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It shows their twisted mind set.

It's never been about the best guy with them... it's been about the "most agitating" guy.

He's dumb as a box of rocks, but hey... he can agitate.

Like that means anything in governance.

But then, with the leftists, it's always about their agenda.  It's never about what's best for the people.

1 comment:

  1. Common core graduates?

    One seat of power does not trump two seats of power.



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