Friday, June 13, 2014

Lawmakers should ignore the State Supreme Court.

We've gone over this before.

Co-equal branches of government simply do not have the legal ability to order other branches around.

The governor can't order the legislature to pass laws, the legislature can't order the supreme court to make rulings and the supreme court can';t order the legislature to increase funding to schools... not can it demand explanations or raise taxes or anything approaching that.

The supreme court lacks both the jurisdiction and the authority to demand anything of the legislature.  And, per force, the most recent idiocy of the supreme court should be ignored.

Further, the legislature should institute immediate funding and staff cuts to the supreme court in retaliation, something they CAN lawfully do beginning with the next budget.

If the legislature responds to this whip crack, then they set a dangerous and unconstitutional precedent. And if the supreme court doesn't like it, that's just too damned bad.

Because if the legislature caves on this, then where does it end?  Why even HAVE a legislature?

The Seattle Times

Originally published June 12, 2014 at 5:41 PM | Page modified June 12, 2014 at 6:08 PM

High court orders lawmakers to explain why education is still underfunded

Lawmakers have been ordered to explain to the state Supreme Court why they haven’t complied with its orders under the 2012 McCleary decision to adequately fund basic education.

Associated Press
@dhrxsol Wrong, the Court has every right to ask the State why it's breaking State Constitutional Law. A Person(s) with...  MORE
@Raymond Tusk Wrong.  MORE
The schools are adequately funded. It's the school administrators, teacher unions and absurd laws that together cause...  MORE

The Washington Supreme Court on Thursday ordered lawmakers to explain why they haven’t followed its orders to fix the way Washington pays for public education.
The court has ordered the state to appear before it on Sept. 3 and show the court how it has followed its orders in the 2012 McCleary decision or face contempt.
The attorney for the coalition that sued the state over education funding was happy to see the court order issued on Thursday.
“I’m very excited because It shows that they are taking the state’s violations seriously,” said Thomas Ahearne.
The McCleary decision said lawmakers are not meeting their constitutional responsibility to fully pay for basic education and they are relying too much on local tax-levy dollars to balance the education budget.
They were given until 2017-18 school year to fix the problem.
The Legislature has been making yearly progress reports on its efforts to fulfill the McCleary decision and every year the court has said in response that lawmakers aren’t doing enough.

1 comment:

  1. politicians these days don't have any balls except when it comes to destroying America


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