Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Early election predictions.

Except as noted, everyone in office stays that way.

Commissioner:  Stewart

Pridemore = CRC Scam = DOA at the polls.  I'm voting for Stewart.

17th District, Seat 1: Leans Wilson

The only really competitive race between parties is the Stonier/Wilson race. Again, it's a bad time to be a democrat when you're married to leftist principles in a disaster of a year for the left and your opponent is as well as or better funded than you in a right-leaning district. This one leans right.  

18th District, Seat 1: GOP toss up.

In the 18th, the only real question is will it be Vick or Ley?  I will be voting for Ley.  If he loses in the primary, I won't vote for either of the survivors, since I do not believe Vick to be fit for office.

Sheriff: Leans Atkins

Atkins will likely become sheriff because the leftists gathering around Gardner are the same crew that supported Boldt. And how did that work out?  I'm voting for Atkins unless something comes up that I don't know now.

Treasurer: Leans Lasher

Lasher has had the job since the invention of dirt. While he's not ideal, he's got the name familiarity that it would take tens of thousands to overcome and a brilliant, 200K+ campaign to beat him.  I'm voting against him.

County Clerk: Slight lean Weber.

Weber lied to get elected. That said, his opponent is a fringe-leftist, totally wrapped around partisanship... and frankly, this is a horrific time to be a strongly partisan democrat challenger.  I won't vote for either.

Assessor: Van Nortwick

Van Nortwick will also remain elected since his only opponent has done nothing and will do nothing to run a campaign.  Not voting in this race.

Charter: crushed.

I believe the people will see the charter for what it is: angry democrats throwing our county form of government out because they lost and they don't like it. If Boldt had been reelected, Stuart would still be a commissioner and democrats would be continuing to trash the charter idea like they did back in 2011.  I am a "no"

I'll update this periodically, like a day or two after the primary.  But this is how I see it over all.

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