Friday, January 03, 2014

RINO former State Sen. Cheryl Pflug, who sold out the caucus, still unqualified for bribery job.

One of the lower life forms in elective office who sold her vote like an MLK hooker, is former State Senator Cheryl Pflug (RINO-5th District.)

Pflug sold out the entirety of the GOP Caucus by selling her vote on gay marriage in Washington State in return for getting an appointment to the Growth Management Hearing Board... an appointment that she is not... and was not qualified for.

And now, we're 18 months after she gave the seat to the democrats by failing to notify anyone that she'd made this deal and that she wasn't going to run for re-election.

Gregoire is the one who arranged this perfidy: I'm sure that local gay marriage scum like Molehill Moeller cheered that kind of political betrayal.

Jeff Rhodes of The Olympia Report has the details:

Former senator’s qualifications for GMHB post still in doubt

January 3, 2014
Former Republican State Sen. Cheryl Pflug, whose strategically timed departure 18 months ago to accept an appointment from a Democratic governor that more than doubled her salary while allowing Democrats to claim the previously GOP seat, still lacks what state law sets forth as the minimum qualifications for her to serve in the post.
Former Republican State Sen. Cheryl Pflug, whose strategically timed departure 18 months ago to accept an appointment from a Democratic governor that more than doubled her salary while allowing Democrats to claim the previously GOP seat, still lacks what state law sets forth as the minimum qualifications for her to serve in the post.
A year and a half after leaving the Washington State Senate under a cloud of suspicion to accept $93,000-a-year position with the Growth Management Hearings Board, Cheryl Pflug has yet to pass the bar exam and become a practicing attorney — which state law would seem to require of someone in her position.
What’s more, when asked whether the governor should be made aware of her status, the former Maple Valley senator responded in a testy e-mail that it was “nobody’s business.”
According to story published on Thursday in the online journal Washington Focus, Pflug informed  GMHB chair Nina Carter she was preoccupied with selling her house and unable to take the exam in July. When Carter suggested letting Gov. Jay Inslee know about the delay, she wrote a blistering e-mail that asked, “Why would you deem it desirable to inform the governor’s office?”
Pflug said she considered the information about how and when she would take the bar exam to be confidential. “And I think we will all benefit from having me stay out of the limelight,” she wrote.
Carter didn’t disagree, and sent a reply assuring Pflug last February that, “I have not talked with anyone in the governor’s office or outside our office about your bar exam. And there is no reason to do so!”
Pflug, a two-term Republican senator, infuriated leaders of her own party in May 2012 when she gave up her seat and was appointed to the coveted GMHB post by former Gov. Christine Gregoire, a Democrat.
A registered nurse by training, Pflug’s only income at the time of her appointment was her $40,000 a year salary as a state senator. She had only graduated from law school a few weeks earlier and had no work experience in the field of land-use management.
What made the timing of the move so suspicious was that it coincided with the deadline to file for re-election to her 5th District seat.
Pflug announced her intention to seek a third term and paid her filing fee, which persuaded other most potential Republican hopefuls not to challenge her in the primary. But Pflug abruptly announced she was withdrawing from the race to accept the Growth Management Hearings Board post just four days after the last day to file for office.

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